O&A in Penthouse, October 2000

54  2017-12-18 by nstricker44


Tits hasn't changed much. He still uses the same technique. Except it's with a smart phone in the work bathrooms whilst Jabba the Hutt lookalikes take dumps. More or less the same if you ask me.

these degenerate faggots actually used to me almost famous

Always boggled my mind why opie wanted viral fame, when he had a better opportunity than most to gain it conventionally, but then again he is a big fitted retard.

He wanted to prove that he could find fame without Jim and Anthony. He never liked to admit he road their coattails all along.

tss what is he? a or sumptin!? tsss

They finally started using them on those VH1 clip shows, and then they went away. Good work, Bob Eatman.

I knew those 2 girls 1 cup reaction videos but I had no fucking clue or cared who Opie and Anthony were until much later in my life.

I've been a fan since the WNEW days.

I've been tuned in since Opies on WBAB

Opie and his rollerblading buds ruled the streets.

Look at their youtube clip replay counts. History shows their greatness.

They were spoofed in MAD magazine once or twice, as well.

There was also the time they were in Time magazine, only to have the only quote from Anthony be about how hot the Olsen twins were getting (They had just turned 16). Show date where they talk about it is 7-16-2001. Article: http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,167571,00.html

You think Opie insisted Ant leave his shirt tucked in while he had is pulled out so everyone would know he was the wild one of the pair?

He can't think that far ahead, give the stylist some credit

Anthony looks like the lead demon in a French claymation horror movie in that first picture

He really does have the hangover face-bloat going on.

Beautiful woman. She's just one penis short of what we all consider sexy.

Fuck, dude. Stop projecting what you consider sexy on all of us...
I hate breasts!

Anthony looks disappointed in each picture that the girl doesn't have a peckah.

Something wrong is going on in pick 2. Girl’s vaginal area, is that a giant pimple or herpes blister to the right of her crotch?

Holy shit. Popping that would yield a tablespoon of hot pus. Or gnhonnoreal discharge.


40 year old men in backwards baseball hats...

Could almost be funny if it were tongue in cheek, but clearly it's not

I see you're unfamiliar with the early 2000's.

I mean I see what they're going for but looking at Opie's face in the second pic made me want to vomit and it hasn't aged well

Late 20s why?

ECW had just been canceled so Sabu had to find work somewhere.

Next two faces of #metoo?

First one looks disturbingly like Olivia Wilde.

Anthony really thinks he is white, huh?

Deep down he knows...

It's what fuels his undying rage.

These two shock jocks are kraazzayy! Lock up your daughters, am I right?!

No, really, lock up your daughters around Anthony. Fucking pedophile.


Oi bruv


Anyone has a better resolution? Anthoy has never looked more middle eastern. I need these images.

they are meant to be undertakers... right?

lol alpha "could have been a model" Gregg is so jaded from a decade of tang dropped at his doorstep that he can't even pretend to give a fuck about that piece of meat

Ant has changed his whole face.


People bought this shit? I could go through a Sears catalog and find more-naked women.

almost makes you wonder

"what the fuck went wrong" :P