Did anyone see Bobo's mom on the East Side Dave Show?

4  2017-12-17 by smelter250


She was very badly raped. Ya see!?

I'm wondering what her 'injuries' look like, Bobo is referencing to this as some sort of evidence

She had a big gash between her legs that kept dropping retards out of it.

Was expensive to sew it shut.

emotional scars.

I think thats Danny Devito as the Penguin and not an actual woman

Once again, he slaps down an utterly incomprehensible run-on sentence when asked what the money is for. I have absolutely no idea what he’s saying.

He’s so. Fucking. Stupid.

HiiS INTeLliGEngcE is oF LowEr StOCk.

He’s loying.

Yeah. I was gonna cut some clips but keef would just take it down.


It was internal reconstruction so you are basically seeing a surgery scar.

Yep, full range of motion. Nuthin' wrong here.

Bobo's "master conman approves the scam" look is frankly unsettling.

He really is a fucking ghoul.

Thank you

She has frickin medical bills awlroight.

Has anyone asked if her sister would be willing to rent her mouth out for $10,000?

I bet this thick-tongued conman would actually go to his sister with the proposition.

She's too busy traveling all over the world. Wonder how that is being paid for.