*Deep sigh* It's a tough one man

20  2017-12-17 by barlowqt


Dude had game for decades but now hes old and wrinkles and girls arent falling for it

His game was being in a successful band. If he was Gene Simmons, attorney at law, he would have married a 4 at best.

Louis XIV wig made from shower drain hair

Fawkkk, not I gotta think of another joke.

tsss yea looks like a wool pad or sumtin

fawkk yeah gene simmons more like fleece spinnins or sumthin

Next time he comes on he'll be plugging the KISS official rape kit.



Coolest rocker dude of all time, Gene Simmons tells all in his new book. HOW I GOT OFF Explosive sexual encounters under dubious circumstances, this book really has it all! Gene teaches the kids how to avoid jail time and PROFIT from allegations that would destroy any normal person's career. Are old flames calling you a deviant sexual predator? Those thieving harpies won't be coming for your merch money no more after you read HOW I GOT OFF. The KISS-approved away to keep those lying bitches away!

Well, he IS a jew..

Rocky Dennis’s Romanian cousin

Gene just wants attention. KISS doesn't draw worth a shit anymore. Rode the reunion for 20 years now nobody cares.

I think Gene is more about power than just wanting attention. I'm sure he could get plenty of attention in other ways.

KISS doesn't draw worth a shit anymore.

Their tour last year grossed over 15 million

That's a pathetic gross let alone what the net would be on that. At that dollar amount they're just employing themselves when they clearly don't need to.

You claimed they don't draw shit anymore, that's just not true, sure they aren't selling out stadiums but they're still selling out arenas and selling hundreds of thousands of tickets, so you're wrong

They sold 233,000 tickets in 40 shows last tour which equals 5800 per show. That is not hundreds of thousands. They didn't sell sell out convention centers let alone arenas.

They sold 233,000 tickets

That is not hundreds of thousands.

Are you really that stupid?

They didn't sell out convention centers let alone arenas.

They did sell out arenas, it's a literal fact, why are you denying it?

  1. Hundreds of thousands would be more than a couple hundred thousand 2. If you mean second or third tier arenas in second and or third tier cities you may have a partial point.

Stop it already. Anybody who argues that current KISS is touring juggernaut is as stupid as you.

  1. Hundreds of thousands would be more than a couple hundred thousand Hundreds of thousands means at least 200k, they did more than that, so they sold hundreds of thousands of tickets, it's a fact
  1. If you mean second or third tier arenas in second and or third tier cities you may have a partial point.

I mean arenas... it's that simple, they sold out arenas, why are you denying facts?

Stop it already. Anybody who argues that current KISS is touring juggernaut is as stupid as you.

Nobody argued that kiss is a "touring juggernaut" you fucking idiot

Just because you didn't use those exact words to defend their 5800 per show doesn't change the fact that they don't draw in major cities and arenas. As far as hundreds of thousands, even KISS would tap dance around your definition.

Just because you didn't use those exact words to defend their 5800 per show doesn't change the fact that they don't draw in major cities and arenas

When did I claim that they do? Never...

Exactly. They don't sell out arenas.

Yes they do. It's a fact.

You're not wrong, but who the fuck cares, it's KISS

Kiss were cool (to some people) at a time in history, now they're just attractive to old-men clinging to their youth, get over it.

They didn't play arenas on their last tour. They played sheds.

She didn't want to split the banana.

flicked her in the throat

Now that's just sexy

Nicoleaky should speak up about this creep too.

That wig was chestnut brown before she used her butt grease to escape.

(((They))) love to claim the moral high ground over other races and religions, don't they? But at the end of the day, they'll abuse every ounce of power you give them, just like everyone else.

The plaintiff’s attorney, Willie W. Williams

I really hope his middle name is William.

Saw the name and thought it was gonna be a Vos plug.


Kiss was and will be a Carney act for FAGGOTS.

I'll extend that to all that lame shock-rock shit, including Ozzy and Marilyn Mason.

Ozzy actually hired good musicians. KISS was never good and always had to use makeup as a gimmick substitute for talent.

He's still a grown man pretending to be the "prince of darkness".

I take it Jim will now only listen to Kiss "under the right circumstances".

Jewey jewenstein jewed up a jew broad

his "hair" looks like its just a knot of shit pulled out of the drain


Gene Simmons Will Come to Your House and Deliver His Giant Box Set

fawkk yeah gene simmons more like fleece spinnins or sumthin