John Oliver singled out O&A when attacking comedians that have been non PC.

0  2017-12-17 by [deleted]

Leia lives. Luke dies. Yoda returns. spoilers


lets boycott that cuck

I agree and also star wars sucks and Bruce willas was wearing a hair peice the whole time

Nobody cares. Go do it to one of the lady subs.

Luke dies. Leia lives. Yoda returns

You forgot "The movie blows".

Asshole Yoda from Episode 5 returns.

Oh you are a massive cunt lol

Eh whatcanyado. Also Leila lives?

Let me know when George Lucas dies. Otherwise, I really don't give a shit

Let me know when George Lucas dies.

He'll never die, he drinks from the fountain of youths (young boys' dicks).

Laura Dern is there too for some reason.

Laura Dern was needed to play the Hillary character who scolds impulsive Trumpian men and says give female intuition a chance over male aggression. Of course the men temporarily overthrow her only to have her outsmart them. And then she was so selfless and sent everyone off to safety while she acted like a suicide bomber, thereby making the Bill Maher point that ABC fired him for that we’d consider her actions that of a selfless brave freedom fighter because she’s white and on our team, but if she was brown and on the other team she’d be considered a jihadi. And of course Dern is used to serve this heavy handed political purpose because her character is a disposable unknown. Leia & Rey are kept mostly clean from overt feminist politics because they want both to continue to have broader appeal.

It’s still a great movie though. I don’t get all the fan hate it is getting. I did openly and loudly jeer in the theater every time Hillary Dern talked. It was just too obvious what her purpose for. It just felt like when a comedian stops joking and starts preaching. Just shut the fuck up with your “message” and make me laugh. I can respect Leia’s realistic Feminism more than Rey’s angelic feminism or Dern’s preachy feminism.

Of course Luke dies, how else can they make these boring ass movies interesting? Of course Yoda returns, Hollywood writers are bunch of uncreative faggots.

The new Star Wars films are just social justice warrior programming modules, everything that was great about Star Wars died in the 80's

How does Leia live?