So sensitive

53  2017-12-17 by RBuddCumia



I still don’t know why Ant blocked me... I’ve never tweeted him

I'm blocked too and all I did was call him a spaghetti nigger.

He’s more of a lentils soup nigger tho

the choice for choosy recovering alkies everywhere


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Fucking Falafel Jig.

Whenever anyone shares anything here from East Side Dave’s Twitter, I can’t see it, because I’m blocked. I’ve never interacted with Dave in any way. My twitter account is several years old, I never comment on anything, and I’ve only ever tweeted once, and it was something innocuous many years back.

I’m gonna go way out on a limb here, and say I think these guys tend to be a bit paranoid and thin skinned.

Same thing with me and Neal Brennan, I've never had anything to do with him ever on twitter, never really tweeted anything to anyone, and he has me blocked.

I got blocked for accusing him of buying twitter followers years ago when this sub was going on that witch hunt. He retweeted me first so all of his loyal followers could attack me. But I had no idea how twitter worked, so I didn't see any of their messages until I logged into my account again about a year later.

Damn people take twitter so serious. He must have felt like he was really stickin it to him when he hit that block button. Twitter is trash.

He must have felt like he was really stickin it to him when he hit that block button.

The "Congrats!" lets you know he's legitimately proud of himself.

Like teenage girl. He really would be better off without being on the internet. I guess its too late for all that.

It literally would have saved him millions of dollars and years of stress.

Social media in general is trash. Why the fuck should anyone see what you do? It's crazy.

Totally agree. Ill post dumb shit here but sure as hell wont put my crazy thoughts in writing.

He’s really no better than Opie blocking users on Facebook live

When you hear them talk about how satisfying blocking someone is. You know they think Twitter is so serious and that people will be upset about it. Who fucking cares?

Creating a Twitter account was the worst decision this old faggot ever made.

The show started its decline with MySpace.


Where are we at with the MySpace voodoo?

Lies. You didn’t love that time Opie brought the show to tears reading his brother Elmo’s MySpace page?

Why haven't we gotten his new accont banned?

Why does he block the guy for stating the truth ol crater face is mighty sensitive.

Probably cause he was wasted.

Snowflake Cumia

Safe space cumia

He is an pissy eyed doll collector.

He sure showed you!

Who retweets this faggotry?

"maybe if i retweet him he'll notice me!"

Notice me TranPai!

Like Lego’s or something right gang

Good one Chip.

Ant feels really satisfied when blocking someone but all it means is someone is making fun of him and he can't take it.

U think a great man like a Colin Quinn is out here blocking people. Nope


Poor guy will no longer have the chance to follow the ramblings of a 50 something ex-radio host.

Ant is a sad old lonely man whos only life is twitter...

it’s funny because “go to slee you’re drunk” is just common silly reply people use online all the time. ant getting offended and blocking the guy just outs him as actually being drunk and needing sleep.

What the fuck is "Tom's" point?

Ant is a monster? Or a marockan illegal alien?

The blocks come at night because he's drunk?


He's re-tweeted me saying that he blocked me in the past but never did block me. Not that I care if I did get blocked, I don't even follow him anymore anyway. It's just annoying how all of his other faggot followers act smug over him blocking random nobodies.

Ant is hilarious to watch battle trolls on Twitter. He seems to really feel like he's Maximus out there, taking down other gladiators as the arena roars in delight.

He lives in an alternate alcohol-fueled reality where he's actually the hero... and all the women, non-whites, and non-able-bodied are the enemy to be exterminated. He doesn't even see that in a world that does away with imperfections, he'd be the first to go.

Most of this sub loves the bad guys because they're entertaining, not because they're bad guys. Deep down, I'm pretty sure everyone here knows Ant's going to hell.

The "Congrats!" was very Opie-ish.

Geeeeve yersalf a bell

Ant gives blocks to non-compliant youngsters. He also gives them Hershey Kisses and table wine.

His skin is thinnest near the pockmarks.

Sent that mug to blocktown USA.

Welcome to Blocksville, jabroni; population: you.

I'd tell him I want to throw a fuck into his sister with my savage black dick but I don't have Twitter. Someone do it.


That's the response of a tween