58  2017-12-17 by CookieHaid


He's shooting hard

it sure is an honor and privledge to have a human conversation with the actual woman herself and he was a true gentleman for pointing that out. i bet her cunt was soaked after reading his tweets.

I'm not losing my mind Dan.

I'm not.

Holy SHIT that guy is such a loser lol

Why the emphasis on shit?

He fawkin got DM'd by Mrz Chip

Arrrgh fawk u arrrgh

I'm almost tempted to follow that guy to tell him what a loser he is... but I won't... that's what a loser he is!

He looks exactly like the kind of milksop who would spend half of his 28 tweets white knighting an internet character. He even liked one of his own tweets.

He looks like John Oliver got stung by a swarm of bees.

Arrrgh that be me ye cunt fawk ye mammy arrrgh

What would Chinese pirate Knickers sound like?

a cunt

a cunt

he looks like he has halitosis and his undershirt smells like camembert

Confirmed, because he looks British but judging by the beer taps, he's much worse. Canadian.

God damn ice niggers... burn down the white house and have the stones to act morally superior because they take in more brown people. Please Canada, take all of the brown people..

The word cucks is thrown around so carelessly but this guy really fits the bill.

he would be honoured to watch Mrs Chipperson being dicked hard by Lamar (or pack of his numerous sons if Lamar cant get it up anymore)

Oh nooo man :(

"me? Psh, you're like whatever.. is my negging working on you?"

Something something white knight ♘

Something something Faggot.......

We invented the term


Dan McCarthy is like desiccant powder for vaginas.


Not googling this word,so go fuck yourself

From context you can assume it makes the pussy dry out like a sponge in a furnace.

desiccant des·ic·cant (děs'ĭ-kənt) n. A substance, such as calcium oxide or silica gel, that has a high affinity for water and is used as a drying agent. adj. Causing or promoting dryness.

I make my girlfriends cootah so wet,that she needs a "desiccant powder" just to keep from drowning to death, in her own cunny juice.

How'd I do guys?

Too on the nose?

I always needed to see it in a sentence to fully grasp a new vocabulary word, so I thank you.

Your welcome,good sir.Glad to see we have some true scholars on this sub

Yeah...fuck learning.

This guy gets it.

Cuz that's what we do,we come here to learn.Fagenstein


You can do better.

You don't deserve better.

Mom is that you?

Least enviable quality?

Being a good sport.

That muuuggg is a little packet of "Do Not Eat" an shit.

reveal yourself Dan McCarthy, we need words

Dan is the kinda dude that watches brutal face fucking vids while casually eating a slice of pizza

He imagines the pizza is a pecka

Pimpin ain't easy, but somebody gotta do it. I see ya Dan. Playa Playa. Yuck.

Dan, you will die alone and I'm happy about it.

what a fucking fag

Dan Is a loser

I heard from reliable sources that Dan McCarthy was caught jerking off to a mammogram pamphlet.

Who hasn't?

Dan McCarthy is less likable than the Vizio soundbar fugitive

Bobo and Intern David had more engaging exchanges

This is getting ridiculous

Gotta love those douche chills lol.

You haven't charmed the chippa!

That's one jewy looking McCarthy

How embarrassing

If she goes missing, you know who to look for first.

what are you, 14?

fucking pathetic, everything the feminist say about you guys is true

I'm not like those other losers, I'm actually really smart and charming.

From context you can assume it makes the pussy dry out like a sponge in a furnace.

desiccant des·ic·cant (děs'ĭ-kənt) n. A substance, such as calcium oxide or silica gel, that has a high affinity for water and is used as a drying agent. adj. Causing or promoting dryness.

Yeah...fuck learning.

he would be honoured to watch Mrs Chipperson being dicked hard by Lamar (or pack of his numerous sons if Lamar cant get it up anymore)