Anthony's weekly reminder that he isn't gay

12  2017-12-17 by HolyAero


watching live pd. he thinks he's a cop.

Either that or he's studying for his next domestic altercation.

We get it. What a sad fuck.

I assume the art above the fireplace came with the house. Just awful.

Or a gift from Troy Quan.

ayo, fuck that. shit's good, no homo.

ZITS: Look at me me!!! I have a house and I do things!!!! What do you have, Pally?? I laugh at you!!!

My guns still lol

same couch he fucked Sue on

Battlefield 1, a turtle lady and hair plugs roasting by the fire place. A gentleman's night.

Some say you can still hear the echos through the hallowed halls and battle tested microphones of Compound Media...

jeeeeeee zuuuuuuusss christ

suuuuuu nuvaaaaahhh bitch

that monitor look wack as fuck

Nice soundbar, Nigger.

Beavis is lying dead in the street somewhere

Dont even joke about that.

I see his missing gun on the fireplace mantle.

Ant is the type of person that would leave Christmas decorations up all year long and convince himself it’s normal.

His home is much nicer than vast majority of yours, fuck you people complaining.

Why does he have two windows placed awkwardly next to each other and above each other with a door in the same style and color right next to the windows? Fuck his psychotically designed McMansion.

I actually like what's going on in the corner but then the stupid door fucks it all up.

You guys don't think Missy would rather be out on the town instead of playing vidya in some old man's living room for the umpteenth time?
And look at that pleb bitch using a controller.

She wants a dude in his best short sleeve flannel & t-shirt combo buying her drinks at a karaoke bar and not a club.

To Anthony's credit, he does pull a lot of fine 15 year olds

That dumb cunt is playing a pc fps with an Xbox controller

Anthony living like a Kang