Pete Davidson: Faggot

107  2017-12-17 by crookedmile


This has got to be a joke

that's his leg?

Is he trying to get pussy with these stunts?

Why does he need pussy? He has a cunt on his arm

It's actually on his calf, his legs are that tiny.

that, and attention from liberal stars.

He's such a loser that being on SNL isn't enough for women to be attracted to his prepubescent looking ass.

He's banging Larry David's daughter. Besides already having that steamy holocaust vagina on demand, he's going to be a gazillionaire when Larry finally heads to the concentration camp in the sky.

His father jumped to his death from the South Tower on 9/10/01


Obviously he could see the future.

At least his dad didn’t have to see this nonsense.

He has to love the Clintons. They don’t let Bin Laden run around, 9-11 doesn’t happen and he wouldn’t have a corpse to exploit for jobs and gigs.

How many times is this going to be posted, I posted it first you late to the party fuck. they're ripping me off robin hoo hoo

A mod keeps deleting it.

Not true

Jesus Christ what a faggot.

I'm really glad somebody posted this again.

The fact that he deleted every other picture somehow makes it even worse. This is his sole message to the world.

at least it barely looks like here so he could have reasonable deniability later on in life.

Why did he get a tattoo of the late Anna Nicole Smith?

He’s such a weak soy boy that his leg looks like an arm.

I honestly thought it was his forearm.

She's Pete's hero.
You know... White Water, Vince Foster, Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, Getting debate questions early, and stealing the election from Bernie Sanders via that ugly jew broad and gay guy from the DNC.

She's not even a good villain. She's a dork. There's no style or cool there. She smells like urine and boiled cabbage.

She had the entire deck stacked in her favor and she still lost.

A Washington Generals tattoo would have made more sense.

I'll bet she has gross old lady farts too.


the only thing worse than this tattoo is Pete Davidson's career

Shes a corrupt and dirty politician? What the fuck kid.

Holy shit this gave me some of the worst douche chills I’ve ever got. What a ass.

Weak headed faggot to be exact.

I was gonna ask why people keep making threads about it, and then I realized it's because the mods keep removing them.

So is he basically going the Amy Schumer route and trying to appeal to fat, white, working class women? He really is an untalented faggot

Thankfully his Borderline Personality Disorder makes him significantly more likely to commit suicide.

Now the question is, are mods deleting these because they are so embarrassed by them or do they #standwithher? It's a quanspiracy if you ask me.

I hope this douche gets kidnapped by ISIS and tossed off a roof. Such faggotry.

Because nothing says I respect you like a leg tattoo...

His daddy would've cut off Pete's arm.

Can someone point me to something he said or did that was funny?


Obviously he could see the future.