How about someone look up bobos address, contact the landlord of the property and see what he thinks of these defamatory remarks?

34  2017-12-17 by yakovsdinnertrays


I refuse to be involved in any sort of snitching but I fully support this idea and encourage anyone to follow through with it.

This landlord knows what's up and has had enough, guaranteed. Tenants (and even squatters) have so many rights it can be hard to get rid of them when they're a problem. That's exactly why you DON'T ACCEPT PARTIAL RENT. You give them a "Pay or Quit" notice and tell them to start packing. They have a certain amount of time to pay the full amount (I forget, 14 or maybe 30 days) or GTFO. If you accept partial payment it can extend their time frame and their rights.

p.s Imagine how sick of them their neighbors must be, after 14 years!

What’s the tards address

i like bobo

Said no one, ever.

really? he makes me laugh on ants show, east side daves show, pat dixon show.

I can do this Monday.

I always liked bobo, but Mets season, my mom needs money, summer trip,mom needs another surgery. He posted pics of him partying at bar around Dec 1, the next day.."Mom has to have another surgery, PLZ help us" I finally responded with Didn't she slip on ice over a year ago, U say she's had 3 surgeries and now your broke around Xmas and she needs a 4th surgery. Y DOES SHE NEED A 4TH BOBO? U Didn't look broke partying at the bar last night.I posted pic he posted 12hrs earlier. HE RESPONDS, YOUR BLOCKED FROM VIEWING HIS TWEETS..I want to call Anthony's show when bobo is there & let him know I work for FIC&WE take FRAUD VERY SERIOUS,AS much as we do limo xplosions

He blocks anyone that brings up that it's a scam .. A guy who actually donated money (he posted the pic of his donation) and asked if he could see one of the doctors bills cuz he'd read that this might be a scam... bobo fuckin blocked him!!!!

He was blocked!

Bobo’s Mom was on East Side Dave this week and she showed her arm. Oh jeez. It looked terrible. I think the first surgeon hacked away at her and these subsequent surgeries to to try to fix that.

Did she go back to bobos dick destroying doctor?

My arm looks terrible as well. Can I get some donations please?

Where's killakuhn when we need him?

Oh, nevermind...

Hes in jail awaiting trial.

Oh literal Belchides

Lying tard is a liar

Doesn't special needs "kids" get government assistance in the US? He's loying

Can’t wait until this retard is homeless.

He has no shame. Begs for money for “rent” then hours later brags about going to an upcoming Rangers game.

NYC has generally tenant friendly housing laws. If his mother has never been late in 14 years and just received a single, final eviction notice, we're not getting the full story.

I'm not loying

I like to think that the landlord is a lurker here and is doing this to stir the pot a little


Jesus Christ, I cannot imagine how humiliating it would be to get conned by Bobo.

Please, I hope people on here aren't stupid enough to donate any money

people were stupid enough to donate to the Chip cartoon and the Patrice documentary so....

Good point

we REALLY need to convince him hes under investigation for fraud


That’s what she gets for paying rent for 14 years. She should have invested in a house

Said no one, ever.