Ant's going on Jim and Sam Monday Morning.

116  2017-12-17 by RBuddCumia


i think we need to bombard them with calls demanding Jim explain his relationship with Princess Alena and how many tokens he's been paying her to date him.

Hers don't have cocks.

It's 2017. Some girls have penises. Get over it.

No. You're gay. Accept it.

Ive a sneaking suspicion you might have to come up with a cover story to bypass the screener

It’s that Anthony retard.

just say "I'm sick of jim lying" or "jim is full of shit" he's so reactionary he'll jump to argue you, then you bring up Princess Alena, and that Aziz Ansari is a sexual predator that once tried to suck your dick

This does work. I called one time and the girl screen asked what I wanted I said I wanted to tell Jim he sucked and I was on the air within 30 seconds.

90% of the time Jim goes to the phone its someone disagreeing with him or trying to call him out about something

As opposed to Opie who "got something funny" on line 3? You say that like it's a bad thing that he let's people argue with him.

im not making a judgement one way or the other, just pointing out a pattern.

Why don't you come here and shut up.

I’m still amazed this hasn’t happened yet.

it possibly has, nobody listens to the show

Alright, you first

Tell Sam to mind his beeswax and not step on the funny people's linee

Jim and Sam get the lousiest guests.

If only they could track down a charismatic guest like Hosp, the gay Sean Connery from the Ron and Fez show.

or even crazed

Hopefully there isn’t a (((guest))) like last time, fucking added nothing.

I don't want to make everyone's dick hard but there's a WWE PPV tomorrow so that's a chance that Sam won't be there.

Don't fuck around with this. Been listening to replays here and there since Opie was fired and it made me realize how tremendous the guys were. Ant with Jim without Sam was the best hour of any radio or podcasting I've heard all year.

I couldn't make it through the one Ant did with Sam.

It really is like two different shows without Sam there.

If you think I'd ever fuck around about AJ Styles defending his championship against Jinder Mahal, you've got another thing coming, buddy.

It's in Boston. He'll be there.

Some good Artie talk hopefully

I think he said Wednesday as well

so it will be a 1/3 decent show.

More like 1/6

What's 3/5 of 1/3?

A lesbian woman of minority?

He comes in as often as he is able to come in. There doesn't need to be a thread every time.

Fuck yes! Ant returns o/

Is Keith driving or is Anthony on the train?

Ant plus Jim's UK recap. Might actually tune in live for once.

Will he be able to handle the exposure to an audience that is approximately 4-5 listeners big?

Waking up for work won't be as soul crushing tomorrow genuinely happy about that.