Taylor Swift is human garbage, sniff

19  2017-12-16 by Ant_Sucks


Allred did he swim around in period blood or sumpthin

Tsss what are ya all embarrassed or sumthin?

Jesus Christ, an uberfaggot. Get the Zyklon B canisters boys!

"Fighting for our lives".

People's lives are so empty that they need to invent these life and death struggles.

The world has never been a safer, more comfortable, inclusive, easy place to live in history.

I'll probably still drink myself to death alone, but fuck guys like this.

Spot on. This guy is so desperate to be a part of something he has become mentally ill and a joke to 99% of the population. The only people who agree with him also contribute nothing while thinking they are making an actual difference.

Which side are we talking about again?

*buttfuck guys like this

I need people that say shit like this to get thrown into North Korea, then they can let us all know what it's really like. Fucking retards.

North Korea?

This pussy boy wouldn't last a week in Mexico, or any other place that isn't a majority white, liberal large city.

He wouldn't last a day in fucking Baltimore for that matter.

That's just your white male priveledge talking...

For real, I secretly hope North Korea nukes us. We could use a dose of reality

Why are people posting this faggots tweets everywhere all the sudden?

...because he's bashing Trump.

His bio says he is a professor of Beyonce and taught a class at Rutgers about the politics of her music.

I wish I was in a coma until all these people die.

I'm not usually one to use the word 'privilege' but goddamn. Here I am trying to make 10$/hour livable, and shitstains like this exist.

Doesn't matter in their eyes. Every single thing you do is judged by your skin color, gender and sexuality.

These people are the real nazis.

That makes me irrationally angry

No need to be angry.

These "professors" in The Humanity fields barely make 30 grand a year, while managing a 200K student loan and living in a shoebox in San Fran with 12 other gender fluids.

One of my favorite professors ever was an old guy who inherited a ton of money and was clearly just doing it because he enjoyed the work. He was unabashedly anti-PC and would frequently rant about how many times the Muslims almost destroyed Western Civilization.

Who is this fuckin guy and why do I see him everywhere lately?

Under this logic, you could never feel good about anything cause people all over the world are suffering. Why do people give voice to these people and act like “the Internet” is outraged?


I’ve said it before, people like him just open their mouths and say shit. They don’t even think about what they’re saying. Social media gives them a platform where they can get away with it.

Everyone else? Fighting for our lives?

Goddamn these people live in a bubble...the last I heard things were going better for most of Americans.

Imagine if any of these cunts got teleported to some horrible warzone in Syria. They'd discard their gender-identities in a heartbeat while cowering behind some rubble.

This guy is basically a slightly more successful version Eric Clanton.

I wonder if this guy likes to hit people with bike locks?

I'd like to sniff Taylor Swift.

Is anyone is college learning marketable skills?

Woman tweets she had a good year Misogynist can't handle it, has to try and ruin it

Someone should tweet that at him.


"...fighting for our lives..."

what a faggot

Fawwwk, dis guysza bad asssssss tsssss

"Allred, on his website, describes himself as "a feminist author, educator and undoer of the status quo. A shameless outlaw of academia, he believes that everyone -- not just the gatekeepers of the ivory tower -- should have access to knowledge and education." "

I’ll tell you what’s more annoying. A complete nobody who desperately contacted twitter for that blue check of validation.

He's pulling Opie numbahs.

2017 was a great year, I spent most of it backpacking around Australia, was epic. But in all honesty Taylor Swift is a cunt and this faggot is also a cunt.

I'm not usually one to use the word 'privilege' but goddamn. Here I am trying to make 10$/hour livable, and shitstains like this exist.

That makes me irrationally angry