Why are the mods taking down off topic posts? The shows (O&A, O w/ J, A&A, J&S, and Chippah) all riffed on all topics. Why can't we do the same?

29  2017-12-16 by HelsinkiJimmy



That's actually a damn good question about Star Wars.

My guess would be black guys 35 and up yes, because theyd be old enough to be aware of it back in the original days and people had more open tastes then.

Black nerds of any age today, sure, they like it. General black millenials? Doubt it. And who can blame them. The shit is fucking embarassingly nerdy.


I dont get how the mods think they can win this battle.

What a bunch of fucking faggots. Who cares if it's off topic, as long as it's not something that could get this sub banned they should buzz off

From your lips to allahs ears

Still, there's no need for that kind of harsh language.

No, even if it's something that could get this sub banned they should fuck off. Better go down doxing some famous faggot now than go down because someone here said something negative about a black person in five years.

It's going to really suck when you can't even use nigger semi ironically online anymore.

Because the mods are hook nosed Jews.

Any person who willingly volunteers to moderate a subreddit is by definition a narcissistic, flaming homosexual

Volunteers? No one volunteers. Mods are born normal like you and I, then plucked from their cribs in the dead of night and replaced with pugs so as to not awaken suspicion. They're then raised as soulless, logical beings with a single function : maintain order.

MODS THE MOVIE, coming soon.

LMAO!!!! xD xD. You are my spirit animal!!1

Was going for laughs and got negged to death. Is this how Opie feels every day?

I want to know if Anfisa is a mail-order bride.

90 Day Fiance brings all the boys to the yard

Moderating a website for free so the site owners don't have to is very important work. DUH!

Because we aren't the show.

SpaceEdge must be detoxing again and taking out his demons in the sub.

Not SpaceEdge

It’s only one mod doing it. They removed my post on Pete Davidson because it was “offensive”, SpaceEdge had to bring it back.

Note, it’s none of the cool mods (Braun, Ccred)

because they’re a bunch of SJW libtard cucks who only voted for Drumpf because they’re racist & misogynistic

Shocker, the mod removed this post