Pete Davidson went off the deep end.

33  2017-12-16 by yismeicha


That is career ending

He'll be doing homeless people popup shows with opie in another year

Feminists will prop him up until they find out he has normal male sexuality and traumatized a woman by complimenting her looks

The faggotry runs deep in this one.

I wish he went out with his parents

A hero?

In flames

He was never funny

He rid us of the Stangels in a funny fashion. But otherwise true.

I enjoyed the joke about Hurricane Sandy finishing the job on Staten Island.

He was only funny by accident

Her reply on his instagram post was surprisingly not bad

The people who run her account you mean?

Does he know her husband's refusal to take bin Laden out in 1998 when they had him dead to rights is why his father is dead?

That's just Russian interference.


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That's just a right-wing conspiracy theory, haven't ya heard?

He doesn't answer questions.

Haha haha dead to rights


They couldnt take him out then because there was a playground full of kids 150 yards away. I blame Bush more than anything. Dossiers titled "Bin Laden Determined To Strike In The US" went across his desk, he did nothing. Tons of evidence something was gonna happen on 9/11, guy did nothing. You can thank Bush for ISIS too, y'know...the guys even worse than Bin Laden.

There was a CIA team in Sudan who could have walked up and shot Bin Laden but the Clinton Admin wouldn’t give the go ahead. It was lead by a gentleman named Billy Waugh. He would jog in the morning around the hotel Bin Laden was staying in.


I don't like this guy and don't consider him talented, but this has to be a joke, it will probably be revealed soon, and that it was done to piss off "the bigots" or something.

U wish

Just stop gathering news on the topic immediately. Problem solved.

Arrrgh aww oi thought you meant literally arrrgh

Christ, he’s an ugly mother fucker.

The new face of America. And it's beautiful.

Le 56%


No, really, who?

This is what happens when your dad dies...

Yeah let me go get an old multimillionaire's face tattooed on my body

What the actual fuck. Does he know anything about Hillary?

A Bernie tattoo would be a wooof moment but still makes sense considering his positions.

fuck him x100

Still not as good as my Janet Reno tattoo. Get on my level, faggot.

I hope it's Dana Carvey as Janet Reno, faghat.

Did you mean Will Ferrel?

Shit, yeah.


He'll probably convert to Islam in six months

I don't think he is able to turn his life around 180° and find the true faith and way of life!

Wow that's embarrassing.

He's definitely getting accused of sexual harassment soon.

yep, 5 or 6 women are gonna come out with some Kilstein-like allegations and his SNL run will come to abrupt end

This is the most appalling act of utter faggotry that I've ever laid eyes on.

And on this sub, that is saying a lot!

I've never liked this smug, cartoon-faced little cunt

Is this surprising? When has this oven dodger ever been anything but a kike faggot?


I can't fucking believe that shit is real. I hope Larry David's convinces his daughter to break up with him

Getting a tattoo of young hilary almost seems like a dig at her.

I know man. Of all the many faces Hilary has worn. Young anti-gay-marriage-hush-up-the-rape-victims-and-sweep-my-financial-dealings-under-the-proverbial-carpet Hilary was possibly the worst.

looks more like Gennifer Flowers than Hilarity

He could've got it with her tit's out at least

I thought you guys were too quick to turn on Pete. I'd read the "Did you know his Dad died in 9/11?" comments or the jokes about his marijuana "addiction" and roll my eyes. I was wrong and a fag, I'm sorry.

I never turned on him. I hated him from the very start. Most people from OnA, it took me time to start hating them. Even with Opie, it took me years. But Pete Davidson, I hated from the first time he was ever on.

The only person that I can remember hating that much from the start was Jay Mohr. Both Jay and Pete seemed like way too eager douchebags who tried way too hard to impress Opie and Anthony (and Ron, in Jay’s case). And both of them generally just come across as fake. Especially Pete.....his whole beef with the fat Stangel always seemed contrived, as if Pete just wanted to have someone to have drama with.

We know, from the 6 posts about it yesterday.

This was the absolute worst time for him to get this tattoo. Nobody likes this bitch anymore since her weird cunty book came out. This so do nothing to help his career. Plus the tattoo looks like shit.

I hope his father dies in a building collapse

So his hero is a two time loser to two amateurs and was a complete failure as SoS? Nice to know he has high standards.



I don't know who this is but he looks like the same retard from SNL on the last podacast. Is it?

I hope it's Dana Carvey as Janet Reno, faghat.

He doesn't answer questions.