Opie asks who in the studio likes him.

3  2017-12-16 by Hold_My_Brush22


What kind of insecure faggot asks this kind of question?

So pathetic. It's funny how he mentions Jay Mohr right off the bat as "he doesn't like talking to me when he calls the show".

Jay Mohr is a nutcase and all, but my recollection of his O&A calls is that he bent over backwards to try to involve Opie in the laughs, and was constantly trying to include him and kiss his ass. Opie perceived this the completely wrong way--if Jay didn't like him he would have groaned at and ignored him like Louie usually did.

Maybe if tits would actually say something of worth people wouldn't have to awkwardly fit him in.

Exactly. That's his textbook narcissism (not being able to see his roll in any given scenario), and a reason that he's pushed away his best allies and defenders. I imagine that he wrote Erock off similarly.

Tss yeah, why not a dinner roll or somptin..

Louis ignored Opie? I guess I never really noticed.

Yeah, it was polite and subtle at first, but if you listen through the Louie episodes it's clear how his respect and tolerance of Opie diminishes over time.

Now that you’ve pointed that out it’ll be obvious to me.

Opie did a video in the elevator with CK and Gervais fucking around. The deflated look on Louie's face when he notices that Opie is videotaping says it all.

Louie also had Opie, Anthony and Schumer play hack radio zoo crew djs on his FX show and Opie's lines sounded like actual Opie lines. Maybe I'm reading too deeply into that, and haven't seen it in awhile, but that seemed like another example of Louie's contempt for the Opster.

I went and watched that. Holy shit! Louis interacts with everyone in the elevator except Opie. The only interaction he has with Opie is that he just looks at him deadpan and notices that he has a camera. Opie yells out “You saw who John Oats?” to which CK doesn’t respond. Jimmy then says something and Louis responds to him. He really fucking ignores Opie through the whole video. Damn, how am I just now realizing this after all these years!? It was so obvious too.

Opie was sneakily terrible! I've had the same realizations listening through old shows.

After Ant and Jimmy opened up more about Greggshells and his high school girl moody attitude, I notice all that now too on old shows. Although it’s subtle on them. However, Sometimes he was just like a tree to Sonny Bono’s ski trip.

sneakily? pretty obvious if you ask me

Now that you’ve pointed that out it’ll be obvious to me.

Opie did a video in the elevator with CK and Gervais fucking around. The deflated look on Louie's face when he notices that Opie is videotaping says it all.

Louie also had Opie, Anthony and Schumer play hack radio zoo crew djs on his FX show and Opie's lines sounded like actual Opie lines. Maybe I'm reading too deeply into that, and haven't seen it in awhile, but that seemed like another example of Louie's contempt for the Opster.