Any lesser known recordings of Ant with Ron Bennington?

7  2017-12-15 by Tim_Porary

Fucking love these to together, and if you haven't heard them, R&A's growing up stories and drinking scrapbook and hilarious. edit: and blackout memories


Ant used to stick around WNEW and hang out with the Ron & Fez show. Not sure if there is a compilation or how to track down individual episodes.

Thanks man I'm gonna look for that now

You're welcome. In case you didn't know, CCRed95 put the Ron & Fez library on, so you can find their WNEW shows there.

I did not know, I was only checking youtube, thanks a lot, so much more content now haha!

Ron interviews Rutger Hauer while Anthony pretends to be the coffee machine repairman sitting in & the wheels fly off.

I love you, this sounds great gonna listen tonight!

Definitely one of my favorite moments from either show. Rutger Hauer is such a creepy weirdo.