Hey Carl Ruiz: Why don't you be honest about Opie and Lynsi Hughes' relationship?

30  2017-12-15 by Every1ShouldBKilled

  • What kind of interactions have you seen between them? How tense were they?

  • Is their daughter a true water-head?

  • How often is Opie allowed to see his family?

Spill the beans a little bit: It'll help your image around here.


he said they're great.

'Great' in Cuban means estranged.

that sounds like a Colin Quinn joke for some reason.

Colin "random nationality" Quinn

Why do you think he's not around for most of the pop-ups? Putting the huge tongue to use.

@paulfromBOS asked that question, and during Carl's diatribe, he wrote: "You aren't looking me in the eyes". Not only is that hilarious, but there's something to that. He was looking at the camera when he was telling us that going after someones family is the easiest way to piss him off, but was not looking at the camera when describing Opie's family. Hmmm........

I have it on good authority that the kid has severe autism due to Opie refraining from vaccination because he believes his own milk is enough to fight any disease.

Spoiled milk does damage

honestly can't blame him there

Straight from the tap as god (a black woman) intended

How is it possible that there are no photos or confirmation of this person's existence since those wedding photos?

that sounds like a Colin Quinn joke for some reason.