Be a real man.

9  2017-12-15 by ZsquaredplusX


I bet this guy enjoys watching her fuck black men at home.

Pretty sure both hands are men's hands

Her hands are bigger. He has bitch hands.

I knew it was Jimmy.

I wonder how he'd feel seeing her hand gripping Jamal's cock while he's at work

Jamal was just fixin the floorboards

Probably wishes his dick was black too

take it to the max every second

He must use right guard


Or it's Jason Ellis, which would mean the hands on the right are men's hands as well.

Fake. The woman's hand should be covered with ingredients for dinner or some kind of cleaning materials.

working that long for what? stupid cant even afford a decent ring. PS his "wife" has man hands

Fancy rings for men are stupid. My wedding ring cost $10

Straight men don't wear jewelry.

or for men that like to cheat

You can get a 4 pack of the silicone ones on Amazon for $10.

Or just wear gloves

or wash your hands.

gloves? Around machine where they could get caught?


Almost all women's hands look like that.

Why are you so angry, child?

He probably has so skills or something.

Bitch made niggas get no respect

I hope his ring get's caught and degloves his finger.

I just recently learned what "degloving" actually means. Do NOT look this up.

You can get silicone wedding rings to avoid that.

You can get silicone cock rings too

Silicon cock cages, too. Which is kinda dumb.

My hands look like the wife’s hands... cause I don’t have to do manual fucking labor for a living.

I'm a proud college dropout who does manual labor. Anyone who wears a ring to work is a terrible worker and possibly retarded. I hope he loses that finger and his wife divorces him because he stopped making money.

What was your major? And why did you drop out?

Same. Work in finance and moonlight as software development. I feel so fucking smart when the plumber/electrician down the road earns just as much as me except he's in great shape and is the alpha male my woman always wanted. But at least I can program or something?

I like you. I'll plug your wife and your walls any day off

Wife suffers from man hands. It just looks like he washed his and took another photo

Cuck betaism aside, I hate people who take pride in manual labor.
Sorry some of us actually paid attention in school, you little shit.

Rich get richer, am I right? Aw what the heck do I know?

Opie actually said if the Sirius janitor paid more attention in school she wouldn’t be stuck cleaning up Lady Di’s shit and vomit all day.

Or stayed in her own shit country.

And if he was even vaguely interesting or likeable he wouldnt need to humiliate drunks instead of actually doing something talented himself

Schinkle ‘bout it.

In general I agree with you, except for the fact that I did fuck all in school, only had one semester of college, and still make way more than 11 of my 16 friends with degrees. Oh and I don't have their crippling student loan debts,either.

yeah, but are they doing jobs they enjoy? That's the real goal.

I'd say about half are. A few of them are doing jobs that have nothing to do with the degree they have.

that check at the end of the week makes up for that

Until you're dying and you realize you spent your life working for that check.

I didn't though. I spent that time working to take care of my family, which is what a man is supposed to do. It's bought me perks to enrich my life I have my hobbies etc, and I can sleep pretty well at night knowing that I've taken care of my business

take care of my family, which is what a man is supposed to do

You fell for the scam.

No I was raised a certain way which is the way men used to be raised unlike today where men are raised to be half women

yeah I feel like half a woman when I'm fucking a different bitch every week.

Wow you must just be a real fuck machine. Dude you're not Frank Sinatra. You'll grow out of it eventually. At least most people do

I keep my left hand slathered in Vaseline inside a glove, for my wife, and I beat Lennie with my right hand.

You're quite the learned fella

She will cheat and or divorce him. Women have no respect for guys too devoted to them.

You know the wife is taking some serious black dick

Why are you so angry, child?

I'd say about half are. A few of them are doing jobs that have nothing to do with the degree they have.