What with the recent face reconginition debacle amongts the gooks, does that mean a pepperoni pizza can unluck ants phone?

100  2017-12-15 by SirWallaceII

Peckers and gooks


Also a lunar map from National Geographic.


His phone seems to be a source of unluck in his life.

Yes, that and a large lava rock.

after its unlocked you see cheese pizza

I don't see why the system has trouble with slant-eyed dinks.

After all, aren't we told that any racial physical characteristics

pointed out is not only hate speech, but incorrect as well ...?

Like that Black chick who got mad at Google a while back because if you search "black teens" all that shows up is mugshots and news stories about criminal behavior. If you search "white teens" its basically a bunch of pictures of smiling happy middle class kids. So the search algorithm must be racist up and Google should be ashamed

A scrotum covered in popped bubble wrap will also do the trick.

Any middle Eastern man could probably unlock his phone

He's pretty fucked. Other things that can unlock his phone include concrete, lego bricks, velcro or a pumice stone.

He should definitely go with a password.

He's pretty fucked. There are a lot of things that could probably unlock his phone including concrete, lego bricks, velcro or a pumice stone.

He should definitely go with a password.

You could probably take a picture of any pothole down your shitty street and use it to unlock Antwan's phone


It not funny! Yesterday I unlock phone with underside of wok!