How liked/disliked is Comedian Andrew Schulz?

5  2017-12-15 by schnitzel2000

I tried watching 4:4:1 - A Comedy Experience on YouTube. I made it to the 35 second mark. I'm not really a fan. Anyone know if he's putting on a character? (Like an East Coast Urban Larry the Cable Guy)


He's a rich kid from manhattan that has desperately tried to break into the black entertainment industry for the last 10 years and failed horribly

He's an unfunny wigger

A jew pretending to be a white pretending to be a nigger. Very layered comedy.

He's not Jewish...he's a Scot

He came and did a show at my college and did 45 minutes of crowd work around one faggot dance major in the audience, he did name drop Patrice in a Q&A though. Still a faggot hack