Star Wars was dogshit

2  2017-12-15 by lobotomy75

It's really bad. Seriously wait until its available online.


I saw it last night and hated the pandering to asian markets and cheesy humor

it's kinda racist if you think about. They try to shoehorn in diversity with a woman, a black guy and latino guy as the boring, good-guy leads. At the same time the only complex, well-developed character is the white guy villain. These "woke" studios sure seem to avoid giving minorities the actually interesting roles

Send the Chinawoman to the casino where her people belong.

The recent marvel movies seem to have popularized that abundance and type of cheesy humor in these big movies.

Did you like guardians of the galaxy?

Didn't see the second one, but remember liking the first. That type of humor is fine they just figured out that it worked so they started putting it in everything.

2nd one just got put on netflix. i hate all super hero movies, but i actually found both to be decent. they have their cheesy moments, but are still entertaining.

Its that shitty, joss whedon style of "humor" thats seemed to pop up EVERYWHERE. Its not funny or charming. Do screenwriters really think that snarky, smarminess is good? Its fucking reddit humor.

They all are, star wars has been terrible for two decades and if I hadnt seen the originals when I was a little kid I'd probably think they suck too.

Rogue One wasn't that bad.

I thought it was awful. Worse than the other one. A bunch of video game characters that dont get enough screen time and you know how it's going to end anyway because it's a prequel.

Star Wars is faggots

If its bad why wait till its online? Just dont watch it

I hated the part where Luke made out with Rey, videoed it and put it on YouTube.

Really threw me for a loop.

Why do I keep hearing about Leia being superman. They couldn't have possibly done something that stupid.

Reviewers and fanboys are almost entirely positive. Perhaps they need to raise their standards of acceptance. I was at a theatre within the last 24 hours seeing something else and the parade of nerdy slobs on display was truly nauseating. If you’re a regular, well-adjusted guy who’s touched a vagina I don’t know how you could be caught dead sharing a room with the mutants who comprise the bulk of this fan base.

Yeah it's fucking stupid