Most unbelievable scene in Stranger Things

90  2017-12-15 by the_opester


It's a small town. No ghettofication. Also: people complained that the black kid's family was never shown. Season 2 is shit.

Ol mushtooth's family wasn't shown much if at all in season 1. Nobody cried dental deficiency discrimination about him


Nancy’s a dirty slut, but she pulled through at the end. I hope Steve, Billy, and Dustin gangbang her milf mother in S3.

I don't predict the show taking that kind of a turn

I really liked when the douchebag older brother clearly had a problem with his stepsister dating the black kid, but because it's 2017 they had to tiptoe around the issue to not trigger anybody.

Hey you, yeah you, I don't want you hanging out with her anymore! I don't like your kind spending time with her you hear me!

I don’t really think they tiptoed, the implication was pretty obvious to a non-waterhead.

"The implication" was soft enough that they could go with the "I never had a problem with him being black, I had a problem with him being left handed!" cop-out in season 3 if they really wanted. That's how little the evil, murderous, abusive older stepbrother actually talked race.

I disagree entirely. Based mostly on the fact that you’re speaking out of your cockhole rectum.

Killed me when the other faggot kids just stood there and yelled at the douchbag while he was beating the shit out of Steve.

You know they say faggot in the same episode, right? They're leaving that character ambiguous so he can stand up to the father and redeem himself next season.

Not to be all Anthony but diversity is shit.

Black folk were like normal americans until the modern (((left))) enslaved them w handouts

This is true. Desegregation and feminism destroyed the black community. It used to be build your own and now it's work for a white man with a good paying job. Are used to identify myself with liberals in high school, then libertarian, now I'm probably more conservative than i'd like to admit. Also, maxes brother was by far the best, most likable character in season two. Of course, his little sister beat him up because women are brave and shit.

This show was actually better than I thought, and I was expecting the worst. Some people were calling it "nostalgia porn" so I was expecting stuff like that time-travel show Ant talked about, where every reference was ham-handed ("What is 'Diet Coke'???")

The little sister was hilarious and a total scene stealer, I still gotta say.

The "Winston/Ghostbusters" scene was such guilty white faggot shoe horned in liberal bullshit, it was enraging and unnecessary. (But it gave me one of my best bits of the year; Im a shitty open mic faggot comic. Still even a "civilian")

Even more aggravating to me was not only the entire universally hated Episode 7, but the "equal opportunity employer" gang that 11 joins. Holy FUCK that was the most unbelievable street gang in the history of the moving image. That was embarrassing.

She was probably the best part of that whole shitty season. And that new guy hitting on Mike and Nancy's mom.

Are you telling me you didn't find this look believable?

Billy hitting on Nancy's mom was fucking hilarious. As was "So Jonathan, how was the pull out?"

A giant, intimidating yet (wait for it!) POLITE black guy, a punk rock guy with a mohawk, a tweaker white girl. What else, a Puerto Rican? And that dialogue, Jesus good god almighty. It was like a bad theater production.

I actually ended up really liking season 2, I liked season 1 okay, wasn't crazy about it. I liked season 2 more. And if all cards are on the table, I don't know what my problem is, but the last scene when Dustin goes to the dance with that stupid hair and all the girls are rejecting him and he sits on the bleachers and cries...holy fuck. I completely lost it. I don't know if any movie or TV show ever made me cry that hard; I was weeping like I'd just been liberated from a concentration camp. (Fuck is wrong with me...)

I was surprised at how well-written the kids were. They weren't precocious and snarky, they were written exactly like now normal kids would act. That was a really realistic public crying too, a lesser actor might have hammed it up or put on a big frown or something.

I liked S2 a lot, but I have a huge fucking issue with how inconsistent the demodogs reactions to bullets were. The soldiers are shooting the shit out of them with high-powered rifles and it does nothing to them. So after Bob turns the power on and heads back, it makes this big deal of showing that he forgot his gun. But we've already been shown that guns are useless against them. Bob gets attacked by a dog, and Hopper shoots it point blank with a big gun. Again - no effect whatsoever. In the last episode, Hopper and Eleven come across Dr. Owens, and leave him with a small gun. Why? They don't work against the dogs. Later, when Eleven is closing the gate, more demodogs start attacking. Hopper shoots them, and now guns work against them. What the fuck???

I was so into the dynamic of the kids characters I seriously wasnt even paying attention to any of that. The supernatural shit this season was like Ray Bowers' body in Stand By Me, it was almost just a catalyst for the kids to react to shit. I loved at the very end Eleven kills that demon, but then....maybe she didn't? It's just kind of "back." I didn't even care, I was like "fuck it, I just like these characters."

Those kids are such good actors. The main kid who's possessed was fucking amazing, I didn't not buy him for a second. Eleven is great too, that chick is amazing.

The 3 white families in the series are broken, the black family is wholesome. Fucking jews.

If this were a Christmas ad there'd be a white dad and a disabled trans kid rolling around in the background.

No the mother would be white to really drive home the white genocide angle.

Whoa black family bambalam.

That’s just the way TV, commercials and movies are now. A stranger from another country would think that the upper middle class suburban family and home was made up by nuclear African American families.

"The implication" was soft enough that they could go with the "I never had a problem with him being black, I had a problem with him being left handed!" cop-out in season 3 if they really wanted. That's how little the evil, murderous, abusive older stepbrother actually talked race.

White trash living in the middle of nowhere Indiana thinking their property value is low because of the black family and not because their kids are chewing oxy staring at the only 7-11 for a hundred miles. Very accurate.

When he shouted “I’m gonna kill you, nigger,” I was concerned. But the Huffington Post has calmed my fears.

This is the actor's method for the character- it's how he chooses to empathize with the character. If the writers said this it'd be something.

Yeah we get it.

This is true. Desegregation and feminism destroyed the black community. It used to be build your own and now it's work for a white man with a good paying job. Are used to identify myself with liberals in high school, then libertarian, now I'm probably more conservative than i'd like to admit. Also, maxes brother was by far the best, most likable character in season two. Of course, his little sister beat him up because women are brave and shit.

Kind of the old, my favorite sci fi is the Cosby Show joke.

I thought they read word up magazine?

"East Buffalo used to be such a nice place, look what they did to that. Kids on the corner, crime goes up, property values go down."