When did Rogan become so gay? Not that there's anything wrong with it...

15  2017-12-15 by disawayisthrows

I used to listen to Rogan a lot when his podcast first started up, and I've recently been trying to get into it a bit more but it's somehow gotten even more boring...and even more gay. He says shit that even Jimmy wouldn't mention on air.

I know our brethren at /r/joerogan2 are well versed in Rogan and all of his bullshit, but can someone here explain it to me?


No. Fuck off.

He tiptoed around everything Stanhope was saying like a woman(a few eps back).

Yesterday he unironically said "I don't want to victim-shame"

and whenever somebody says something politically incorrect he says "how dare you"

.. but he does it every single time. no exception like a retard like he is actually serious. or maybe its one of his hilarious bits

Was there ever a point where he wasn't a big homo? He's usually what most people picture when they're asked to describe a douchebag.

Rogan is what, 5'6, 5'7? He's the very definition of a manlet. Someone should let him know HGH and TRT can't cure that shit, the same way taking alpha brain won't make him an intellectual.

But then again, this is a man who overcompensates for his obvious attraction to men by hunting, rolling, and beating up heavy bags, so I don't really think introspection is one of his strong suits.

In high heels maybe. He’s barely 5’

“It’s the weed man. When I started smoking, it relax me bro, made me want to swallow a mans penis”

Jamie pull that shit up

He describes muscular men in sexual terms very often. Describes how beautiful they are. He’s 100% gay.

He also talks about drinking delicious semen from handsome men, and how hot guys' semen can benefit girls who are suffering from depression.

Would you let Joe Rogan suck your dick?

Joey Diaz would, only if he had ice cubes in his mouth though.

Rogan not a fag

He was always a faggot, with that try-hard shitshow Fear Factor. And then him trying to be a comedian and trying to elevate his own status by going after Carlos Mencia like he was some big bad tough guy. He's a joke, has always been. Fuck, he's on steroids and still looks less trained than my 17 year old little brother.

I didn't know about r/joerogan2

What a fine subreddit

Now this is annoying or hard to listen to when Tranpa does it, but Rogan doesn't ever seem to discuss hot women. Which comes into the mix at some point during the odd conversation with most straight men.

Or maybe I'm missing those eps.

He never does. Its beyond awkward.

Yet he'll talk about how delicious Luke Rockhold is and how alpha he must feel knowing he has a huge dick.

Brennan was humiliating himself. He’s doing the same weasely ingratiating shit with women that he did with black people.

That's enough evidence for me

Was this before or after Aubrey and Joe fucked violently?

Rogan is what, 5'6, 5'7? He's the very definition of a manlet. Someone should let him know HGH and TRT can't cure that shit, the same way taking alpha brain won't make him an intellectual.

But then again, this is a man who overcompensates for his obvious attraction to men by hunting, rolling, and beating up heavy bags, so I don't really think introspection is one of his strong suits.

His wife is pretty good looking too.

I hope she's fucking some stud pool boy on the side. Joe probably does too.

What gave it away? Was it his Valley Girl cadence, questionable friends like Aubrey Marcus, or the approximate thousand hours or so of footage of him talking about how juicy and delicious handsome men's dicks are?

Joe is a butch Spartan type gay dude, no feminist bullshit for him.