Have any of you had a legit gay experience?(sucked a dick or been ass fucked?)

0  2017-12-15 by TinKnockinMoroccan


No, stupid. I've only ever sucked a woman's dick.

feminine benis

Knock it off, Spade!!!!!!!!

When I was 12, 3 neighborhood girls said they'll give my buddy and me 10 bucks each to play house. I was the wife. When the laughes all ran out, they offered another 10 each to grab each other dicks. We did.

Did you even take bong rips in middle school, maaaaaaan!?

No, I didn't smoke till sophomore year. And go fuck yourself, maaaaaan!?

no, but i own a classy set of glass butt plugs

I did when I was 10 with an older neighborhood kid. Didn't suck or fuck though. Thankfully I've never had an affinity for a tranny yet.

Aziz Ansari once tried to suck my dick

I semi fucked a tranny once. I was pretty fucked up on alcohol and lack of sleep so I couldnt stay hard. Ended up ignoring all her texts after it. I sometimes regret it she made me horny like a mf. In the end its more comfortable to fuck a pussy I think. Just from a technical standpoint. But Im still open to explore the other side someday. Maybe when Im single again.

Asking for a friend.How about jerking off to Aubrey Kate jerking off and cumming on her own face

Does reading this thread count?

John Oliver raped me.

I leave comments on the internet. It doesn't get much gayer than that.

Never. But I hear there is a lot of ass fucking behind my local 7 eleven going on.

psstt. I'll be behind the 7 eleven

I have. When I was eighteen, an old man offered me forty bucks if I sucked his dick in a pair of panties and then gave him the panties afterwards.

Now I'm not gay, but forty bucks for twenty minutes work is a pretty good deal.

I hate to ruin your aspirations...

something tells me that kid had full bush already.

When he got a girlfriend, how long did you stay jealous and bitter?

are you talking about blacks?

get into more details.

you are blueballing a lot of people here.

dont be a faggot.

if he was really from Bosnia he would tell you "suck it faggot"

he was probably from Slovenia but did not want you to know that he is gay, so he lied that he is from Bosnia.

ask the while your dick is in their ass. they can lie when they are plugged.

pics or it didn't happen lol

Some say too much.

Stop taking my tax dollar you meaty vag negress