Fucking idiot.

5  2017-12-14 by RBuddCumia


Be nice. He's just freaked out right now because TWC might throttle his WWE Network streams and he might have to spend time with his baby.

whos going to want to use a provider that blocks sites though?

Well seeing as the current regulations went into effect in 2015 hasn't everyone already used this horrible internet Sam is talking about?

I can already tell people about using the Internet 20 years ago when it was way slower and cost way more because you had to dial up and pay by the hour.

Luckily these evil corporations payed fiber optic cables everywhere to make it fast and convenient for us. Fuck them for trying to make money off their own investments I guess.

I’ve never seen a more poorly regurgitated statement ever.

The FCC did a bang up job on TV & radio

I don’t love them but I’m sick of entitled children acting like everything should be cheap or free or available in the exact way they want.

If you don’t like the service then dont pay for it.

Yeah, most people are dissatisfied with their cable tv service and pay way more for it than they do for internet.

Scorch has his own network