Reminder: The Opester did some coke

59  2017-12-14 by opie_is_a_poop

But doesn't remember what it smelled like


But it was Geneseo coke.


Opie is a fraud. I thought we covered this already.

That break also has a glimpse of "Dumb Jim Norton", when the Morning Mash Up sent Opie a cake, and Jim read what was put on it.

"Congrate, Ope! Love, The Morning Mash Up!... They're congratulating you!"

But what d ours it smell like?

Oh look, it's Guy who says X drug is overrated even though he doesn't necessarily feel that way, just to let every person in a thread know he's done that drug because he's still at the stage of life where he thinks drugs are cool rather than just a necessary part of psychological maintainence

He couldn't even make up a better band than that? He did not do coke and he did not go to see James Taylor. I'm guessing that Opie and his friend Buzzy smoked a couple of Marlboro Lights, got a mild nicotine buzz, and hung out at a pizza parlor playing arcade games all the while hoping that the "totally hot" 4/10 waitress would fuck them.

Strongly disagree.

You suck though.

They tried to put him on trial for drug possession and being in the mafia but he threw so many quality zingers at the prosecutor that the whole courtroom was howling and it resulted in a mistrial.

more than 10 mg*

The Opster seeing James Taylor by himself? You're onto something there.

Dude, he couldn't remember because he was too busy fighting a Frenchman under water.

He also managed to win an underwater melee with a Frenchman somewhere in there

Meth is truly where it's at. Cheap as fuck and lasts quite a while

Fucking true.

It smells wonderful

I'm an myself and I've done drugs. What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not defined by apples and oranges but I prefer oranges. ???