Where are we at with the Tom Hardy?

2  2017-12-14 by A_Friendly_Creeper



Bronson is a great movie.

Dunkirk was awful. A great story really badly told.

Assuming you've seen him in peaky blinders? He's not in it much but steals the show when he is on screen.

Same writer has done taboo with him as lead role set in Victorian times. I liked it.

He's a big guy


I like his shirts

The Drop is my favorite movie of all time. His character's slow burn is so intense.

The drop fuckin ruled

He was fantastic in “Stuart: A Life Backwards”.

It was shit. Most disappointed I have been seeing a film.

I saw some of the little ships that sailed to pick up stranded people this year do some sort of flotilla remembrance and really showed how the film lacked a emotional connection.

I found out after that I had family who got recused there. I'll ask my grandad about it when he's drunk this Christmas.

Too bad they didn't sink.

God damnit sir, you got me. Part two should only be about guitar flame guy. It should be titled "mad max: guitar flame guy justice"

I read some of the descriptions of the feminist bullshit and already had my mind made up before watching that I was not gonna like it but you hardly notice that shit. The same could be said about Sarah Connor in terminator 2 but you hardly notice that shit either