The perfect man doesn't exi....

76  2017-12-14 by 52017


A god amongst men

Scorch is timid of us, we're like nuclear material; either a source of awesome power... or cancer.


He's a good egg and hung in there through all the muck. That's a champ to me.

Did Scorch actually make that analogy? Sounds too creative and actually funny.

Nah, I did.

I'm all shy now but thanks.

Don't be a fag. It was PFG.

I still dont know what PFG stands for and I refuse to Google it. I'm sticking with "Pretty Fucking Gay".

Yeah. Take it back

Cut dat part out babe!

Dog hair.


yellow paint



I am 99% SURE that is ONLY a MYTH!!!!

It's very ironic that Sam Roberts was the nucleus of the Scorch hate. Let's think about this for one second. On the one hand, you've got:

  • A complete moron with a terrible sense of humor.

  • Completely unwarranted feelings of self-confidence.

  • An odd looking fellow with a disturbing forehead.

  • Terrible voice for a radio personality.

  • Constantly drives bad bits into the ground.

  • Has no chemistry with guests or co-hosts.

  • Is an old faggot trying to crack into the fake wrestling business and will never make it.

  • Belongs on the radio during off hours in a very small, obscure market

Sam and Scorch are the same person, only Sam is a Jew weasel. Here's the only difference. Scorch deserve every penny he makes and Sam is an anemic, ugly piece of Hebrew shit.

Scorch has hustled his ass off to stay in radio while also getting acting gigs.

Like it or not, the guy has a much higher work ethic than Samuel L. Garfunkle ever will.

Wait, Sam is a jew? wtf theyre fucking everywhere.

Racially ambiguous

Scorch is Jewish though...

Comic Sans is a nice detail

I really thought that was Gavin with the glasses

Would have completely agreed if this was about CQ

That's a pretty fuckin great man. PFG man, one would say.

Don't GET too EXCITED, ladies. To get with PERFECTION, you HAVE to meet SCORCH's requirements for a ROMANTIC PARTNER!!!! You have to BE wealthy and SUCCESSFUL, like SCORCH!!! No FATTIES!!!!

Aliens send him to us as some kind of fifth colonist, they modeled him after what they observed in a previous visit tousands of years ago, when they noticed his love for WWE and microwaved fast food they abandoned the project

Also: No black chicks need apply.