This Negro podcast talks about who's next on the sexual harassment train. They say Aziz is getting called out in the next few days. (If timestamp fails go to 44:20)

6  2017-12-14 by FilipinoTransHookers


joe budden is a real nigga tho, I believe it. Take down that unfunny brown man

I don't believe this. Indians never rape.

Not without their friends anyway.

You can't ban the steel rod Piers!

Friend, why are you listening to nigcasts?

Aziz is like LA's Louis CK. Apparently he said a lot of shit back a decade ago before social media on a ton of podcasts and he was like a totally different person. Like he wasn't a Rogan faggot or hung out in those circles, but he wasn't the guy with a stick up the ass he is now either. So like the proof is right there in the archives, he really only shaped up once he got on Parks & Rec, because they were like zero tolerance.

Say like again.

say like some more

They were not zero tolerance with Harrison Wittells.

drugs is one thing, misogyny and racism is another.

these black gentlemen are cooler than Sherrod Small.

Damp farts are cooler than sherrod

I cant tell if these fellas are on eachothers nerves or just riffin

Joe Budden is an angry old man yelling into the wind, i hope he's right but he just hates anyone more famous than him.

Yeah he's cool.

I enjoyed this. Haven't heard enough people making those arguements about Harrassageddon.