Black person incapable of keeping gun permit lambasts other blacks.

14  2017-12-14 by RBuddCumia


Ant apparently didn't go to bed until 5am last night. For someone with a family history of dementia, that is not a very wise decision. Ant's late-night tweets reflect a condition known as Sundowning


Tssss.... What are you saying black people like basting lambs and shit? Fawking meat yuma..... That muuuug was as moist as a big cootah.

ant really is mad roy moore lost

It's amazing how weak pussies misdirect their anger because they can't take it out on who they really need to.

What a broken fucking record that dude is, what a waste of wealth and time.

What the fuck is he even talking about? When has anyone said black people are incapable of obtaining legal I.D. I'm starting to think this Anthony guy isn't very smart

Democrats say voter ID laws are oppressive because it is too hard for black people to obtain an ID.

What are yu bitching about? There's nothing wrong with a black man holding his peers to high standards and calling them out for wrongs

What an Uncle tranth

He is incapable of obtaining sobriety and dignity. I don't think smoking cocaine with his own mother was a good call.

He's not wrong

After they passed voter ID laws in Alabama, they shut down a bunch of DMVs in black areas.

Not that there are any schwoogies on this sub that could provide insight, but what it is it with them and never having ID? As a self hating white man I frequent many hip hop shows and they always have to write "ID IS A MUST, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!" all over the flyer. Is it because they can't read?

That's actually not what this one is about, and he's not wrong.