Norm MacDonald upsets a particularly excellent example of the "radio hole" with his in-depth analysis on the topic of Black poverty rates. She then proceeds to 'contribute to the radio show' by being professionally offended and proceeds to make squawking noises while trying to keep the MEN in line

67  2017-12-14 by CCRed95


"Middle Class blacks"

tee hee

she’s so conditioned to be offended that she couldn’t grasp such a simple sentiment just because he phrased it bluntly and didn’t present it while tip toeing around every eggshell on the ground.

"Blacks have less money on average than Whites."

"AWwwwWWwwwwWWW NNNNNoooooo, thats offesnsssiivveve! Noo its gonna be okay, i say Blacks have MORE money theyre RIICH!"

Shes totally doesn't "get" the whole cultural victimhood angle, she tries to take the extreme-leftist route but it turns out she's too stupid to even do that. When the blacks get all uppity at their minimum wage job, just say "nah you blacks are all good it turns out, soo. That should cheer you up then huh?"

She's racist & wouldn't have pulled that shit on a black guest. Since Norm is a white male she considers him three fifths a person.

Yeah, she should have accepted he "poor" part and objected to the "dangerous" part. She'd still be wrong, but at least try to do it right lady!

God I love Norm.


That’s a classic video.

it's because they're not fully evolved humans, everybody knows that. stop being racist.

She took black people are poorer than white people as "black people are poor." That's because that is what she inherently thinks. He basically just said if you can't even address it, you're the problem.

Goes deeper than that. She thinks being poor makes you a bad person, so it's no different than if he was saying "whites are superior to blacks"

The outraged laughter from the faggot might be worse than the hole.


He's actually taking the SJW stance here, she just THINKS she is.

In reality though, there are more black people in the middle class than ever before. Which is a good thing, because the more middle-class blacks, the more potential republicans waiting to be built. Average black people are turned off by the whole SJW thing, are very traditional, not sure what to think about the gays still, def don't want to be around no trans whatever and have no problem displaying/being attracted to masculinity.

The left believes that white people are stopping "progressivism" and that as soon as they become the minority, the left can get things on track. They have no idea the "slight of hand" that's coming.

Economically, that's not really true. Black Americans are still at pre-2007 levels of net worth, per capital income, net savings, saving rates etc while other groups have excelled, and in comparison to whites, hispanics, and other groups participating in the middle class, it hasn't been this bleak for blacks since 1970.

Now, one could argue that inequality isn't inherently bad so long as there is a baseline of equality of opportunity, but to deny it's clear actual existence in service of some sort of narrative about social values completely misses the point.

there are more black people in the middle class than ever before

when the definition of middle class has fallen so much that black people are considered middle class. You know shit is going to hell.

how fucked has this country gotten where "boys in da hood" goes from what hood life is like to what the average teenager goes through.

also regardless of income niggers are still stupid enough to believe whatever some other coon tells them. So as long as one mooncricket is willing to say mean old Romney or McCain or Kaisch is going to bring slavery back then they will think its true and just vote democrat.

niggers still end up voting democrat even when the same politicans they voted for pass laws that put their ass in jail. Its not like anything will convince them not to.

plus the left knows niggers don't fall for that SJW stuff so they just don't bring it up. Even on podcasts or tv shows. Niggers can be as misgonistic and anti-gay and masculine as they want. liberals give them a pass.

Look at how Chapelle gets a pass on trans stuff, meanwhile Owen Benjammin a furry stand-up comedian says that he doesn't think children can consent to sex and loses an agent and is blacklisted and is now living the rest of his life in the woods in upstate new york.

wew lad.

Well he's not being SJW, a SJW tries to find things to be offended about. Actually you can demonstrate that SJW's are not interested in solutions because the positions they advocate clearly do nothing to improve society (white people can't eat burritos, imaginary genders, kill all cops, etc).

Norm's just supporting civil rights and equality among races.



Heres the cunts facebook page

How the fuck did Norm keep his calm? I literally want strangle this dumb bitch to death listening to this

He's one of the last great comedians and knows staying calm would make it funnier.

He was fucking around from the beginning. I'm pretty sure he just threw shit out there and turned it around to amuse himself. He had a great time.

norm is like a Tim Heidecker for gen x and boomer faggots. Through a quirk of his personality everyone always thinks hes being "ironic" so he can drop the harshest of redpills, and completely mean it, but everyone is wondering whether it's a part of his aloof ironic persona

Dat iron Mike at the end is fucking awesome

Speaking facts is "pigeonholing"

Speaking facts is "pigeonholing"

"Amen sistah"

If that caller was smart, she would be more offended that this cunt talked to her in such a patronizing way

There is more variation within populations than between them.

This bitch is dumb as shit.

This bitch should be grateful that Norm would even take a shit in the bathroom of her studio.

Her not understanding that Norm was talking about this topic on a per capita basis is fucking infuriating.

Norm sounds rather zooted or some shiznits

No one wants to hear what other women think, ever, except for other women. Why do male oriented talk shows have to have a broad in the studio, they're fucking horrible.

The only time a woman should ever have a microphone in front of them is when they're singing into it. You got a great voice, sing the National Anthem. Now get the fuck out of our face.

She's racist & wouldn't have pulled that shit on a black guest. Since Norm is a white male she considers him three fifths a person.

Yeah, she should have accepted he "poor" part and objected to the "dangerous" part. She'd still be wrong, but at least try to do it right lady!
