Opie is on his nightly “Look how wonderful I am, you just don’t understand.” tweet session. I don’t realise it as possible to hate him even more.

16  2017-12-14 by Dawgsie


next time leave it alone


Can’t believe he still exists

He is right on this one. I recall when it happened him saying he negotiated Troy staying but he was not allowed on the air. Don’t know how much fighting for him actually occurred but i wouldn’t be surprised if management wanted to axe him cause he was nuts that day.

That’s not the point. He’s claiming he’s fucking magnificent because he acted like a regular human being. That doesn’t deserve a fucking applause, nor does it mean that when you sexually harass Troy’s fat friend and get fired, Troy has to send you best wishes on your new endeavours (or lack thereof).

It was an whatever effort.

Fair enough. But we do need to address the fact that when you’re part of the inner circle, things are going to happen. Period.

I hope Opie is gang raped by a pack of syphilitic Syrian refugees one day while doing a live pop up show and they force Carl the short order cook to join in and shit in Opie's mouth.


He's the most disloyal and ungrateful person ever, but if he's ever done one nice thing for somebody, he demands eternal loyalty and gratitude from that person. That Troy thing happened almost 5 years ago.

Is a CEO really necessary to fire Troy Quan? What kind of company is Sirius XM? That situation is like a peep show stripper begging the owner not to fire the dim kid who mops the jizz out of the booths. It doesn't make sense.

he still hasn't bottomed out in his batshit craziness yet once he shaves his head that will be it

Him and Jim Meyer would spend hours on the phone making each other HOWL.

This man is the opposite of interesting or thoughtful. He really is about as useless than any of those fat feminist bloggers on twitter.

Plus he has bigger tits.

To paraphrase Vos, Opie's Twitter really is the 24/7 pandering line.

He saw it my way after he sternly (hoo hoo) said to me next time leave it alone and see it the company's way.

ugh this is so Opie

If Opie didn't have Twitter, he'd be sitting on a cardboard box over an exhaust grate on the corner of 10th and 53rd street, in his dirty bubble jacket and stained beanie, muttering this shit to himself with dried chicken tikka hanging from his beard.