Artie is the smartest business man ever.He found a sucker and conned him dry

37  2017-12-13 by pta11

He signed a contract for 700k just to work 6hrs a week.Then he figured out that he doesn't even need to do that so hes doing even less but still making the same amount of money.Now he knows that when his contract is up Ant wont sign him so he will take more time off and do much less now.Its like working a shitty 9-5 job and knowing in a few months your out of there so you start acting up showing up late and using up all your sick days


A cumia is born every minute

Africa has very high birthrates.

You think you're smart but the fact that you believe Antwan could afford to pay someone $700k shows how stupid you really are.

How does he afford 700k?

raping kids

Is the business really that lucrative?

He harvests their spit and sells it to his brother.

Sells? To Joe?

Sorry sir but your story is Swiss cheese

Gets his money back. Whatever

*saves his money


Artie was paid weekly, he didn't get the full amount up front. Anthony is dumb but not that dumb.

Not sure why this got downvoted...they definitely had stipulations based on attendance, behavior, etc...

No way would they have signed him to a guaranteed deal.

OP has down syndrome. CP Media is not a fucking radio station. They didn't give him almost a million fucking dollars up front.

Yeah, he conned him good. He let Anthony think he was going to get that sober, responsible go-getter we all know and love. I think we were all shocked when Artie showed up and he had turned into a decrepit, junky mess when we weren’t looking.

The only real "winner" here is Artie's dealer. "Here's $300, go get me a bundle and an eight ball" after day after day. If he lives long enough his plastic surgeon might end up making nice bank off Artie too, but that's a big "if".

Where can I find a bundle and a ball for $300? Asking for a friend.

700k? That's around what he got at Stern. Do you realize how little Ant's "Network" is? I'd be shocked if it made much of a profit.

He got more than double that at Stern.Get your facts straight,unlike your sexuality.

And cumio is making way more now than he’s with sxm

Ant can only afford 3k

Artie said something about 4 grand. It came off like $4,000 a day. He may have meant 4 Grand a week. Which would be $200,000 a year. Sounds about right.

The exact quote was "I make 4000 per show" per show NOT per week.

Anthony was sitting right there and didn't deny it.

Anthony is non confrontational. Dumb Artie also said the mug shot was his too. No objections. Anthony was just trying to figure out how to make the show not suck, not debate high ass Artie.

Which mug shot?

A lot of people are taking a number a comedian spat out very seriously.

Or was this was Ant's brilliant plan all along? Add a popular comedian cohost and jack up the sub price because of this "added value", while knowing full well he's going to die in the next 5 years.

At that stupid Bennington Thanksgiving thing... Arties disregard for Anthony was made clear. He was intentionally super late, fucked up on H, and said shit like "Yea Anthony if I die your radio career is absolutely over". Anthony fake laughed it away. Fuck Artie. He shouldn't have made it to 50.

Addicts are very good at that. Their addiction makes them unashamed when they con people.

He's laughing all the way to the grave

Not a chance Cumia is paying Artie 700k.