Opie can't hold a glass naturally

131  2017-12-13 by dropngo


You can also see he had some type of chilled faggot shooter while "Amber Alert" Cumia is drinking room temperature bourbon like an adult. Oh, and nice necklace there cum stain.

hmmm, i see the double lazy eye, but for the life of me i cannot spot the cumstain

It's in his mustache.

I like this one. One eye goes one way and the other goes the other.

" Arrrgh he be lookin' loike somebody we be knowin' arrrgh

I don't hate this as much as I thought I would.

Seems like this bit is a lot more successful than the chink one.

And the mouth is in the middle saying "hey, whaddya want from me?"

He learned that from the mob. Keep a eye on every man in the room.

You think he might've plopped a few drops of water into that burbon to open the flavors up, as adult are want to do?

...this sounds like a drug, and I'm not gonna lie

you have me very interested

I've tried it with ice and with water, and I still prefer straight bourbon. Not bad with water, but I hate it with ice.

wont to do. Not want to do.


your mother

Ant drinks captain and coke - he's not drinking bourbon there.

You realize what a massive queer you would have to be to say something like that right? What kind of dildo knows or cares about that? I never knew that, but it makes sense. The ancestors of Somali pirates probably all love rum.

i know right! all of ant's old scumbag stories involve captain and coke - made bile rise in my throat every time.

Anthony probably thinks he looks like Captain Morgan. Truth is, he looks more like the pirates in Captain Phillips.

"Adult drinks"
Okay, Florentine

You're right. That empty glass with condensation on it and grapefruit beers scream masculinity. I said "like an adult" you dumb cocksucker. I'm sure you and your boys hang out on fire island drinking Malibu rum and toast to "the nights you'll never remember with the people you'll never forget" right before you assfuck each other, but most men just drink neat scotch or bourbon.

I like whiskey for what it's worth, but I'm more proud of my shits than paying some guy to pour me a drink.
Brag to me about how you drink black coffee too.

Nope. I only chug black cock.

Glad we finally found some common ground.

Did you Photoshop that lazy eye? I never noticed it being THAT bad.

Pulled straight from Opie's facebook.

gotta keep that eye on a swivel, lambchops

Check out the empties, man.

Arrrgh I be seein' 2 big ones in the photo yonder arrrgh

lovin the bit brothaman

Management loves the direction of the bit.

Keep it up whoever hates ye shall get strung high from the yard iron!

hahah one of my fav O and A moments.

Ya ever wondered if Anthony is gay?

Daniel Craig wondered the same thing when he saw this.

He's like a fucking chameleon

Ugh. I don’t even wanna know how he holds a cock.

In his mouth, I'm assuming.

Like a gentleman




No need to assume, we've seen the totally real evidence through the peephole of his front door.

Why would you be able to see through his peephole?

Harry hater... linngeerr looonnngeer

He reversed it, to see if someone was waiting in his apartment to ambush him with a sack of doorknobs.

Opie Mellencamp.

i wiLl hAVe a JOb iN 2018

OpPrEhL fAHhhLlLsssSsSss!!!

Or a job.

Or a conversation

this is what happens to your eyes when your head is on a swivel

opie looks like a stripper and ant a fag. I miss these two together.

Opie can look left and right at the same time before crossing the road. He's like a superhero.

" Arrrgh ye be a mu'ant Opie. Ye is special. What be ye special mu'ant powers? Arrrgh "

  • " arrrgh me done a chocolate brownie in me pants and me got some tits, a ye olde bald patch and a snaggle tooth arrrgh "*

"Opie smash cake!"

When an ample-chested talentless board-op keeps his head on a swivel too long....

It really is incredible how different post-roids Ant, beardless Ant looks now.

when did he do roids?

Around the time he stopped looking like like a starving Libyan.

And started his transition to moldovian rat catcher

I think it's just Moldovan, and those dudes are white as he'll, cuz.

don't stress, people lie on this sub

Tsss arrrgh prob'bly cause they be tired or sumpthin arrrgh

good point

Pirate Chip is a new one.

Buried that treasuh, cocksuckah!

Fucking Ant looks like Tom Savini when he's transitioning into the giant rat in From Dusk Till Dawn.

was up with those fingers, does gregg have arthritis?

Tsss arrrgh yeah what about arthritits or sumpthin arrrgh

“Does it look cool when I hold it like this maaaaan”

Opie reminds me of the roach creature from Men In Black.

Arrrgh and Ant'ony remoinds me of the colored fella arrrgh

Ant has what appears to be straight whiskey. The condensation on Opie's glass makes me think he had a Jack and Coke or some such weaksauce.

even tho no brown liquid is apparent

retarded sherlock holmes ova here

It's empty, which means he finished it.

trying to hard

opie has bill cosby eyes

Arrrgh loifless eyes arrrgh

Love his gay porn star look.

He has cowardly lion face

Can't hold a job either

If you're a sloth you don't have a lot of options, Bucko.

his shirt doesn't hold his breasts naturally... are you surprised?

He sucks at everything

hands like a sticky icky spider

How trite are beavis and butthead comments. Am new

Cock eyes

Are his eyes naturally that wonky or is this a subtle Photoshop?

Gregg "Sartre" Hughes

He also can't hold a friendship naturally.

Be funny naturally

Maintain a marriage naturally.

I'd love to hold that glass properly as I smash it against his forehead.

I love the fact that we shit on Opie so much it's even come down to the way he holds his drinks.

yes, this is gay, but hear me out... is it possible that ant's always been more attractive than the dude that coulda been a model? sure, sure, ant's a nigger. still... THINK ABOUT IT.

I'd imagine more fans and women they encountered through the show were attracted to ant, purely because he has a personality that isn't quite so obviously fake as Opies...

He's hermit crab clawing that muuuuggggg!

Anthony looks like the nice Yemeni student that Opie was pen pals with

Chip Gaines lookin nigga.

they are both ugly abominations

Opie's a nervous lady

I just laughed out loud at this picture, they look like complete shit

Pulled straight from Opie's facebook.

gotta keep that eye on a swivel, lambchops

He's like a fucking chameleon