Anthony Cumia has never, nor ever will be an intelligent human being

13  2017-12-13 by snargfursk

Watching a few documentaries on Discovery/looking up crime stats doesn't make you smart, or right.

Doesn't take too much to be the most curious guy in the room when you're sorrounded by the most insecure human being to ever walk the planet, and a shit, sexually delusional wormy version of Dexter Morgan.



Also, he is not caucasian.

This explains his lack of intelligence.

Downvotes for this? You faggots are going soft

Fact: Anthony Cumia dropped out of high school because he failed gym class

Also Fact: Until he got "famous", Ant could only land the sloppy seconds his brother discarded.

He's obviously insecure about it, that's why he surrounds himself with idiots and recites wikipedia snippets whenever he gets the chance

Forget Aristotle, and fuck Socrates. Here comes Professor AnthonyđŸŽ¶

Disagree. He's not genius but compared to most of the lepers he associates with he's fairly sharp

Bobo, Brother Joe, Fred from Brooklyn and Keith the Pretend Businessman is hardly a pool of minds where we should be pointing out who is ‘sharp’.

Well, he'd not be the manager at my Panera, but he's likely smart enough to be up for assistant manager of locating lost guns or something.

I disagree. Ant is not a deep thinker, and he's certainly incredibly lazy, as well as a drunk. But I bet if you could measure his I.Q. (I doubt he'd have to patience to take an actual test) he'd be well above average. When Ant was at his best, the lightning speed with which his mind would make connections between disparate elements for comedic effect was amazing. Also, he was the only person associated with the show who could hold his own and avoid sounding like a complete moron when they'd have someone really intelligent (like a scientist) in studio. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if he's done some damage to his brain through decades of heavy drinking.

Doesn't matter.

Depends what you mean by "well above average." I'd put him at about 110-115. And despite the fact that he's a good talker, I'd guess that he'd score higher in spatial reasoning than non-spatial; purely because the verbal element is more dependent on education (which he doesn't have) than the innate logic of the spatial part.

But he's nowhere near approaching higher percentiles or gifted. He lacks the self-reflection, self-awareness or ability to ignore confirmation biases to apply.

Two things are for sure -

1) He's easily the most intelligent out of him, Opie and Jim. Jim, I'd estimate is within the 100-105 average to slightly above average range. Opie is 85-90, borderline retarded.

2) None of them can even hope to touch Rich Vos (141 IQ), who will be sharing his nuggets of hard-fought intellectual wisdom on December 29 at Mayo Performing Arts Center in Morristown, New Jersey.

I agree with your assessment for the most part - although I think your IQ estimates may be a little on the low side. It's easy to underestimate how dumb the "average" person is. A few years back the Stern show had IQ tests professionally administered to a number of its staff. Richard Christy scored 117. Baba Booey scored 121. Both of these people strike me as less intelligent than Anthony.

It depends on the test - Stanford-Binet or Cattell - probably the best -Mensa approved and must be administered and scored by a practising psychologist. Wechsler as well.

I'm guessing Baba Booey did one of those Facebook ones. Vos too, of course.

I think it was Wechsler. It was administered by a real psychologist. They tested a bunch of Wack Packers too, all of whom scored under 100, as I recall. High Pitch Erik scored a 66, but the psychologist said she didn't think he really tried.

Ok, fair enough. Will take your word for it, have never listened to Stern much.

That Baba Booey is definitely smarter than Tits though, I think we can both agree on that.

I think anyone with ears could agree on that. Tits is a dunce.

Yeah, Gary isn't dumb at all, but his short term memory is shit.

What the fuck is wrong with you? He's a total dunce. He always came off the worst when smart people were in studio because he was trying desperately to appear smart to them without having any nuance of thought.

He's smarter than Opie but Opie probably thinks his wife is taking a long vacation.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ant. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Ant’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Ant truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Ant’s existential catchphrase “HA HA HA HOLY SHIT” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Anthony Cumia’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

He can hold his own on Alex Jones for an hour. That's pretty good.

What a ridiculous thing to say.

He may be an idiot, a nigger, a woman-beater, a racist, an idiot, but he is not a pornstar.

Seriously if you think Anthony isn't intelligent you're fucking braindead.

Plenty of sticks to beat that racist wop with but lack of intelligence isn't one of them.

And authoring snotty posts on reddit doesn’t make you a genius either, friend.

I disagree. He's uneducated and prone to staying in his political echo chamber, but he definitely has an above average IQ.

Ant's a decently intelligent guy but he's not very educated. He also thinks that Wikipedia suffices for a education, which just makes him look stupid to anyone with an education.

Why even post this?

No, Anthony actually is pretty smart. He's let down by a few personality flaws, but I'd never say that Anthony wasn't smart.


Yes he is. If you can't see how you're not one either.

*has never been, nor ever will be, an intelligent human being.