Say "lib"again.

96  2017-12-13 by RBuddCumia


One idiot parroting the views of another idiot parroting the views of his old man news programs.

I can't wait until Mr. Malloonigans and Beavis rise up and finally kill their owners.

I can't wait to hear about Bobo Moore's sex assault allegations at the Queen's Motor Inn.

"to a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say 'Merry Christmas. @bobo103nyc. ps my twitter password is comic630 awlright."

Bobo sounds like a chatrobot that learned to speak from Compound Media

Can’t be... there’s one word conspicuously absent.


Also, talking OFF AIR isn't what the future will bring. I love my H&K P2000SK .40 cal Danny Ross was a colorful person with a working business relationship. I've been building this venture is a Patrice benefit, which has gone on every channel every day. It's fun and I couldn't know about, I'd doubt.

~ anthonycumiashow

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I love my H&K P2000SK


I've been building this venture is a Patrice benefit


It's supposed to mean fella??? Should I be ashamed of being a member of this sub here on reddit and said he tweets a bunch of crazy shit.

~ killakuhn

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There's probably some other things he should be more ashamed of than being a member of this sub.

I been around this sub here on reddit and said he tweets a bunch of racist shit.

~ killakuhn

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Enough about this sub, Kuhn.

I look forward to the day he gets access to the internet in the prison library and sees his reddit mentions.

Wonder if she has an ass crack?

....the insinuation being that his being Jewish influences his opinion.

~ declangunn

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I think Joe said he called them shit, or that they both have fulfilling jobs, Joe actually mentioned that he coached too. She must have apparently done in the higher education system would have enough money to save money and fuck right off for UFC 200. I love a lot of money, like, you know, the kind of special drugs by the Grace of God.

~ declangunn

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Concentrate on the knowledge, intelligence and integrity of your other high level personality traits. Anyone who thinks they can write something for the family, and the problem is also tied intrinsically to female sexual selection.

~ drjordanbpeterson

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go deep with the mouthful of shame promo pics. that fucking quote of his nonsense and inquired about it.

~ opesterino

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Maybe trying to be a decent show though.

~ /r/TACN

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Bull shugah!

+/u/User_Simulator killakuhnsdeadson

Anyway, that was one of the show was mocking.

~ killakuhnsdeadson

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Fucking hell, you are in real life, so I'm going to start denying that you can use offensive terms without recoil >and then when you originally posted about it. honestly, I was not offended by it.

~ killakuhnsdeadson

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Par for the course for a boycott of Dave Smith, likes KISS and trying to be edgy online.

~ amyschumerbiggestfan

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Is Ant ragging on a chick for getting plastic surgery? I mean over his plastic teeth beneath his crayola hairplugs standing next to a red mustang?

Also, when your stanchest supporters literally have severe developmental disorders.

Don't forget his face. Looks like someone pulled Silly Putty over the skull of one of those Mr. Thrifty Budget Skeleton's they had in high school science class.

Silly Putty

And not fresh-from-the-egg Silly Putty either, but the kind that's been stuck to the carpet a few times and dropped in the dirt.


And wonder what's gonna happen. Ayyy Happens Happens

What is this, happenstance?!

Better than being a card carrying pedophilia or was it a racist?!?!?

I think it was a card carrying white supremacist but I dont know if they can enter contracts.

Why, as it happens, it has been declared from the bench that racists can, indeed, enter into contracts! Aren’t you glad you bumped into me so I could tell you?

Thank you.

Is there any chance that Bobo even knows what a lib is?

Librarians, awlright

Pucker up, I'm gonna kiss you right on the libs mr mallonagen

Why would you ever bring up anybody's looks if you were Anthony? Opie too. Not a single woman notices either one of them when they walk around in public. It was annoying how picky and shallow they were towards women when they're both completely invisible to women.

TFW even a retard can sum up the behavior of the far left and now the DNC as a whole. Yes, it's cliche, but it's totally true. The last four years have pushed me from moderate Democrat to far right wing. The Russian propaganda didn't do it either, the behavior of both traditional parties and the extreme ideological jihad of the far left did. They grossed me out over to the other side, and now I'm right leaning while keeping aware of the left/right duopoly and grow further disgusted with just about everybody.

Yeah, Bobo is a retard parroting Fox news cliche talking points from Tranth, but he IS correct..

The last four years drastically changed your stance? You're an easily manipulated fella, perhaps men might look more appealing to you in another four years.

For me, it didn't really change my political stance. I just went from thinking both parties are frauds that do whatever they can to stay in power into thinking the left/democrats actually fucking hate me for being a straight, middle class, white guy.

(The right/GOP are still hypocritical power hungry douches)

The left still needs white voters (the majority of America) you were correct earlier that both parties are frauds.

"left/democrats actually fucking hate me for being a straight, middle class white guy." Middle class, straight, white guys make up the majority of America and most likely always will. They need those votes too, quit being such a reactionary pussy Anthony Account #17

First off, men make up 50% of the population. So how could only the white ones, who are straight and middle class be the majority? We are talking 30% of the country.

Hillary lost the election to a clown because the last middle class white guys in the midwest finally got the memo that they aren't wanted in the Democratic party.

30% is huge percentage of people to alienate, you are indeed a reactionary fool.

Think you guys have made some real headway today! Useful and productive conversation, definitely gonna change some minds.

You got me... have any of you stupid liberals seen my gun?

Actually I think Bobo is satirizing guys like you (and Ant) with this tweet.

When I read shit like this:

Where Ant is basically saying "bitches" always spread their legs for rich guys it's quite obvious he's never getting a job at a big company like SiriusXM ever again.

Or saying tolerant things like "Blacks have NO barriers in 2017."

It really is astounding that Anthony has become something of a political pundit just by having a vague pseudo intellectual understanding of most issues.


A dress...something about a dress, you wore a dress, had a dress on.... linger longer

Be more funny.

How quickly would Bobo reverse his position if one of the women in that video showed interest in him?

I wanna smash the patriarchy, awlroight.

I'm awlt right

Says the man who put women in 55 gallon drums filled with rats.

The funny thing about politics is that it really doesn't require a lot of natural smarts or deep studies to get a hold of it. It's not physics or economics here.

And yet a majority of people never bother using their common sense over going with their sides talking points.


Ant criticizes other people's looks. What a delusional old lady.


Lmao what’s Ants point here? Alcoholics are annoying.

Wow, Megyn looks like shit.

He's an idiot servant.

Funny how Ant's biggest supporter is Bobo. His sister leak any nudes yet?

I am also curious.

I don't know who that woman is, and at first I thought someone was joking with photoshopping a thumbnail of some advanced sex doll robot in that Twitter screenshot. I'm stoned.

Man, i've never actually scrolled through Bobo's twitter until now and he truly is a retarded poet

Edgar Allan Bo

if you want to appeal to ant you gotta go with the full 'libtard'

Try a listen to Nick Dipaolo and count how many times he says Left. It's maddening.

They say Bobo is not smart, but he knows if libs are ever in charge, lil Bobos are getting aborted.

Mongoloid genocide!


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Love how Ant writes "controversial & cool" as if he was just another member of this sub & still gets hate .. HoooLeeeee SHIT!!

Bobo's mom was liberal with the booze and cigs while she was preggers

Bobo would be so easy to brainwash in a clan.

alt-rite thought leader bobo

The retarded are easily brainwashed.

Again....why is Ant even venturing into someone else’s looks?

This is so much for one whore to handle.

~ disawayisthrows

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He's a heavy bosomed wasp from the Western part of the series, followed by the CIA, but they're fairly integral to what Ground Branch does, at least some basics of the time.

~ disawayisthrows

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such brilliant minds



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