Remember: Sam came in cackling, giggling and hamming it up, ready to mock another radio show.... only for O&A to flip it back on him and point out Sam does EVERYTHING the show did

22  2017-12-13 by brothermanbrotherman


The best part is when Sam tries to make little snide comments, it highlights his own insecurity and infuriates me that he thinks of himself so highly

The thing I hate about this clip is the only reason they didn't continue to jocktober the show was because they made that shitty production piece. The show stunk but hearing them bash Sam was good too. In other words, I'm a faggot.

It wasn't a good show but it had nearly none of the traits they mock of other shows

And when he shit on Nick Cannon's radio show. You know he'd suck his dick if he came on as a guest now.

That show was better than shim and jam.

Seven years later and he's even more of a faggot.

Was this the exact moment Sam's (((wife))) helped him devise a plan that would culminate with him running the show?

are you saying she's the one who emailed Anthony's tweets to Gawker? hmmm...

The alternate dimension line is my favorite part.

I highly recommend the videos of Kenny mocking Sam's high pitched faggot Mashup voice.

The time he spent half the show laughing about the Hulk Hogan kicking down the Twin Towers meme showed me what a Unfunny, Talentless, Crow Voiced, Wrestler Warshiping Little Faggot Mama's Boy he is.