After 15+ years why didn't OA&J learn that not only Jews and Americans are circumcised?

2  2017-12-13 by axeheadroad


Because every international dick Jimmy had in his mouth had a turtle neck so he just assumed?


Who else gets circumcised? I know savages do their women...

Is this a serious question? Muslims circumcise and theyre like 1/7 population.

I thought it'd be them, jus' checking.


Why would knowing that Muslims are circumcised mean that I I have looked at their cocks?

I am an uncircumcised American. How rare am I?

If you are hispanic the answer is...

not very

I'm half Hispanic

yeah, hispanics don't obsess over their kid's cocks like the joos. plus getting a baby cut costs extra, so much like car insurance, they don't fuck with it.

Save on the circumcisions so you can afford the baby's earrings. Save on the insurance, spend it on hubcaps.

15 years? How about their whole life?