Political maverick Anthony Cumia "dems don't win in Alabama"

10  2017-12-13 by RBuddCumia


Ant's having a full fledge meltdown on twitter.

It's embarrassing.

It always is.


That's so unlike him.

He doesn't even live in Alabama. Why is he watching this election like it's a fucking team sport and his hometown is playing

Because political faggots are faggots.

This will cause no difference in his life. It's exactly like how the French election was a big deal to people who didn't even fucking live in France

Because political faggots are faggots.

you and middle of the road Jimmy are the real faggots.

Shut up u opinionated homosexual

It's a big election because the Senate majority lead is now going to be 51-49

According to Twitter this is as big as the presidential election

Like Dave Smith, Ant's political memory only seems to go back to 2008. Plenty of Dems have won in Alabama. Hillary Clinton received 35% of the vote in Alabama last year, and she was a terrible candidate, so I think this whole notion of "solid" red or blue states sort of crumbles when you put a candidate like Moore into the mix.

I live in Alabama. Hillary received all the black vote (the non felons). But Roy Moore is the Hillary of Republicans. The only reason he beat Strange to begin with is his drum beating about his anti abortion stance.

Since the 10 commandments debacle, he's been a human stain on this state. And that's impressive for this place.

Hello neighbor! I would hate to run into one of the reprobates from this place in real life. It would be like running into your farther in-law at a jack shack.

I live in Alabama.

Thoughts and prayers.

Yeah thanks. Keep your magic chicken bones and well wishes to yourself.

Why are you pussies against killing babies?

Because Baptists. Every single problem in Alabama is caused by Baptists. They are a cancer.

Any person who thinks they can just give some gentleman guff for having sexual relations with willing and able 14 year olds is going to have to deal with some harshly tweeted drunken stream of consciousness rant headed their way by Anthony "Amber Alert" Kumiya. He didn't work hard and pay taxes for all of these years to have his basic freedoms taken away from him.

They already took his guns; he won't stand for them taking his fantasies.

The south was Dem until about 1964.

Anthony's political career would be over when it became widely known he bought gifts for someone pretending to be an underage girl.

"He only list because of the allegations!"

Yeah, no shit. He's being credibly accused by several people of child molestation, you drunken old guinea fuck.

Gotta protect his own

All the conversation about this election was being done on a national scale by people who dont live in alabama and were generally unfamiliar with moore. The people that had to show up to vote for him were people who have known him and his bullshit for years and have probably heard rumors about him "bothering girls at the mall" their entire lives. Plus he's plugged into all kinds of divisive religious shit and dresses like a fucking oakie.

Wait, so what a person has done and their character matters in elections? This is the kind of stuff that people who watch boring mainstream bullshit like CNN, or even worse Fox News think is insightful. No shit, the multiple allegations of child molestation and assault affected the election.

Yes, but those allegations affected the election unfairly, in the eyes of Anthony and Uncle Paul.

Honesty thought Moore would win cause red state. Glad Alabama has some morals

It always is.