Artie arrested for missed court date?

98  2017-12-13 by RBuddCumia


how many chances can one person get? and a range rover?

I think that was from the May arrest.

but he was arrested today for failing to appear, right?


and a range rover?


He must get his lawyer from the same agency that sent him that plastic surgeon, therapist, general practitioner, etc.

Deep Discount?

"Just a big misunderstanding! Some broad I had over accidentally deleted my lawyer's messages! Everything is fine! Offers rolling in every day!"

He dindu nuffin.

Just another aspiring rapper comedian turning his life around.

Guy really is acting like a real ~nigger~ coke addict

What an ass even tweeting this week when he's taking it off. Have some humility and lay low.

No one but you faggots cares about the integrity of the “AA show”. Artie is an unfunny pig and I hope he dies.


Every fucking thread.

Sorry ill go smash my fingers now.

Ehhh fingers now hahaha hoolyshiiit

I have zero interest in his well being anymore. Fuck em.

How can someone be that big of a fuck up? I'm over here busting my ass to make it to the end of my Panera shift, and this dick head can't even show up to work or trial. What a fucking waste of space.

And I'm busting my ass on the job site. From your mouth to God's ears.

The boss doesn't wanna hear "can't do", Chief!

If I had my druthers, I'd get a heaping helping of hard work and

an ice cold can of stick-to-it-iveness to warsh it down with!

Goes well with a big container of coffee.

Yer not kiddin', pallly! Get mine from Pete on the corner!

If I come visit you at work, can I get an extra hunk of bread with my soup?

Hey buddy, I don't need the boss man bustin my chops. But if you come in wearing some sweet O&A merch, I can comp you a bread bowl. Pretty cool huh?

I'm sorry. This is a Panera workers only sub. Perhaps it's best you leave.

I feel like every sub in a Panera workers only sub if you know what I mean..

He clearly won't change. It should be obvious now if it wasn't years ago. At this point I'm just waiting for his inevitable death and I'm kind of hoping it's sooner than later so Ant can move on and get that sweet sweet dead guy publicity.

Ant and Keith will probably squander the Artie death publicity when it happens anyway. A non-refundable Disney cruise vacation or something like that.

Keith will fuck I up and Ant will laugh.

Lange, a Union native who rose to fame as a performer on Howard Stern's radio show, was seen driving his Range Rover erratically and at a high rate of speed away from a McDonald's on the Garden State Parkway, Fontoura said.

So he really was getting a cheeseburger to sprinkle it on.

Truth is stranger than fiction

How is that guy allowed to have a driving license

Probably because he's rich and could get decent lawyers to fight it. I guess that means nothing if you don't show up to the court date like a moron.

Art imitating life

Howard Stern's radio show? Why doesn't the article mention his grand new job at the national powerhouse Compound Media?

Tony must be ripping out his individually placed follicles trying to figure out how to fix this. Artie's just chilling at home, missing shows and court dates.

He is too busy looking for his gun to worry about Artie.


now i want Ant to get arrested

This year just keeps on giving.

If there's a God, it'll end up with Artie's Range Rover driven through

one of those edgy "Artie & Anthony Show" billboards.


Sadly the best we'll get is probably just a Suge Knight 2.0

He can’t remember to go to his own show, ya think he’s going to remember he’s got a court appearance from something 6 months ago?

His recent arrests just aren't as funny as his classic arrests.

Ive heard, on good authority that Artie sprinkles drugs on cheeseburgers.

Certainly not from Kathy Giffin

What will die first? Artie's nose or heart?

Body parts dont die

Thought this was going to be a Vos plug.

It kind of is. Vos shows up for his gigs.

Lange was arrested by State Police in Bloomfield May 12 during a plainclothes surveillance operation

They really needed a "plain clothes surveillance operation" for that?

dummy walked into a known drug spot

I dont understand how he doesnt have either a crooked doctor or a delivery service at this point, if i had his money copping on the street would be the last thing id be doing, like pay another addict to go pcikup for you why go yourself, shit i do this now and i dont have shit to my name but im smart enough not to rick getting popped on the street

You mist not do many drugs if your bright idea is to pay a drug addict to bring you drugs.

quite the opposite sir, i do all the drugs haha, you must not be too familiar with the drug game and i am jealous of you for that. Happens all the time, to put it simply its called a middle man, another person who might have a better connect than you do for better quality/cheaper drugs. This person goes to their dealer and buys their own drugs along with whatever you tell them to get for you and they bring it to you in return for a fee of either marking up whatever you bought or just paying them a flat rate/some of the drugs.

Its how a lot of addicts pay for their own habits and for those of us who have no interest in getting involved with the world of going to shitty places to buy, meeting shady dealers, risk getting pulled over on the way home, getting robbed or any other number of things that could happen. I have regular dealers that i trust and deal with normally but sometimes it is easier to pay a little bit extra and not have to get your hands dirty having to deal with the scumbags and shady people that go along with doing drugs. I'm really surprised Artie doesn't have a stable of middle men bugging him for his business with what he probably spends regularly, or that he doesn't at very least have the number of any of the high end delivery services who operate in NYC who dont bullshit around act professional & bring high quality dope/coke/pills to your door tailor made for people like Artie who have more money than connections and would rather pay extra than risk ruining their life copping on the street.

When you have an opiate habit and when you run out you are going to get sick, spending a few extra bucks here or there is not a big deal to make sure when you call whoever you call, shit is ready to go with no bullshit messing around. For example with my normal dealers little things like if the count is short either money or pill wise on my side or his, we both trust each other to the point where its no questions asked if i tell him its a couple short or if i end up a few bucks short to him because with how much changing hands between us we both know its not worth it to try and get over for like like 20-50 bucks.

not bragging at all, being addicted to opiates is hell & im trying to quit but money talks in the drug game and if you have the money to spend, you can make sure things are at your beck and call without the bullshit of getting punched in the nose or having to go cop on the street and getting popped by plain clothes cops driving home, sure theirs risks but like anything in america money can buy you whatever you need.


You forgot to include the Vos date at the end of this thrilling piece.

then what happened

For coke sure, for dope? Most junkie's I've ever known were the scumbag type.

Of course it's known. I doubt he went to some random neighborhood he didn't know looking for heroin, silly.

“When he was stopped, detectives allegedly found Lange with a bag of heroin on his lap. He was charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance and drug paraphernalia, Fontoura said.“

Are you kidding he couldn’t even hide the tiny bag of dope before the cop got to his window

Who said anything about a "tiny" bag?

I envisioned a gallon size Ziploc bag bursting at the seams.

It was a burlap sack with a big H drawn on the side.

Cuz dope comes in small wax bags on the east coast

They are tiny stamp bags, yes. He was probably trying to snort it while driving which is why he was driving erratically and probably tried to finish it before the cop came to his car.

he was taking a dope nap

it happens

I have a lot of empathy for addicts, and I'd still love to see Artie clean himself up, but if he died I wouldn't care. Enough, fatso. It isn't cute anymore.

Anthony should at least take this as a compliment in a way. Artie isn't just blowing him off, he also blows off lady liberty

Uncle Sam?

This article is horribly written. It mentions the heroin on his lap but doesnt tell you which time they are referring to.

"Lange was arrested by State Police in (((Bloomfield))) May 12 during a plainclothes surveillance operation, Essex County Sheriff Armando Fontoura said.Lange, a Union native who rose to fame as a performer on (((Howard Stern)))'s radio show, was seen driving his Range Rover erratically and at a high rate of speed away from a McDonald's on the Garden State Parkway, Fontoura said. When he was stopped, detectives allegedly found Lange with a bag of heroin on his lap. He was charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance and drug paraphernalia, Fontoura said."

Maybe he was hopped-up on the dope peddler's evil wares.

those jazz cigarettes have ruined his life

How the fuck does an experienced felon like Artie Lange make a rookie mistake like missing a court date?


By being an experienced junkie

With how much he probably pays for his jew lawyer idk how he could let this happen lol

Just when I thought I was out, this sub pulls me back in

Artie was arrested on drug charges in March in his parking garage. I don't think this May arrested has ever been reported before. He has been arrested twice this year heroin possession then. I'm starting to think Artie may have a drug problem.

Good call. How did this one slip by everyone?

How did it slip by Ant and Keith?

It's one thing to hire a constantly-relapsing junkie, it's another to hire a guy with outstanding charges and then hang his fucking mug-shot on a billboard over Manhattan.

Keith Maresca - marketing guru.

I don't think it slipped by Artie/Howard fans

Artie wasn't really apart of the O&A fandom till this year

Yeah, but I'm talking about something that happened this year. The march arrest got plenty of attention.

what is your point then?

That his May arrest didn't get noticed here.

you just said March 42 mins ago then said May 3 mins ago

you sir are an asshole

There were two arrests, cunt. One in March, one in May. The March arrest was noted here, the May arrest was not. What is so difficult about this?

thanks for doing the leg work for me

How does he miss a court date? Isn't that guy Dan his personal assistant.

He is committing slow motion suicide.

Slow suicides no way to go according to Layne Staley

He seems like he knows what he's talking about tbqh fam

Fawk yeah i love mad season

That whole album is good.

What was the response from the police for his tweet?

They turned up at his apartment to make sure that he was OK.

Speeding away from McDonald's?

Guest spot on Opie's popup show?

A couple weeks in the slammer would probably good for him

Artie has a new book coming out coming out in July. If he's not dead by then, the money he makes off the book will surely kill him.

He gets so many chances despite being a complete fucking junkie and he's pissed them all away.

The ol' bench warrant routine, where they slap cuffs on you and bring you down to the courthouse so you HAVE to wait on them now. It's not like being "arrested", but you are detained.


Kill yourself already Artie

Article failed to include any Compound plugs.

To be fair, that could be any Artie Lange from Hoboken.

I fucking love this guy.

They had to go back to 04 to find a human picture.

The guy is on a destructive path, but he deserves a second chance!

And not a single mention of his current gig w/ Compound Media AHAHAHA WHOLE-E-SHIT!!!!

Lawyer checking in: a missed Court date may not be a big deal.

He was arrested for contempt of court (you need to appear when summoned.) If it’s the first time this has happened, he’ll likely spend less than 24 hours in jail. The judge will yell at him for being a dope and he’ll be released.

If it’s the second time (+), he may get actual jail time. IIRC, he can be hit with up to 6 months (won’t happen.)

I hate to say it - but I think some jail time/rehab will benefit him. He’s clearly off the rails at this point.

Beetlejuice was right, he's a fucking mess (and also a poet).

Ehhhhh it’s just a bench warrant. Most likely no additional charges filed against him... the felony weight heroin possession is the only smudge on his 2017.

Why wasn't be arrested when they went to check on him after the nose pic?

That whole album is good.


those jazz cigarettes have ruined his life