I love how RadarOnline is so formal with Keith's name in this Artie-cle

15  2017-12-13 by Osama_Bin_Log_in


rumored drug abuse

Keep it under your hat.

Legal Eagle Jim Norton advised them not expose themselves to a defamation suit.

Better keep it under my peckah kuz that's a BIIIIIIIIIG secret, Cuz.

We reached out to Keith the Cop for comment but he insisted on taking us to >multiple lunchtime meetings and offered us an afternoon show

"The podcast producer said that best he could do for us was 40 seconds in an elevator."

Tsssss fawking pinnocchiblow or some shit dvvv dvvv

I hadn't seen that Keith tweet before now.

the decision for him to address his health issues require him not having to worry about being at #TheAAShow this week.

So did they literally just tell him to stay home this week and "get healthy" and that's it?

Homer, the plant called. They said if you don't come in tomorrow don't bother coming in on Monday.

Woohoo! 4 day weekend!

" I cheated the devil for the 100th time"

Dvv Dvv fawk yeah

This is one of those articles that he either paid to be in or they submit a press release and they just go with it without checking anything

“He’s got diabetes, so that doesn’t help either,” she added.

Nice way to close an article

An insider exclusively told Radar that the comedian was “heading down a dangerous path” and that he see’s signs from when Lange attempted suicide in 2010.

“This is different from his previous problems. Artie is out of control and it’s only a matter of time before he implodes,” the insider added.

*Stuttering John is the insider