Tits used to make millions. Now he makes nothing and films himself with his phone in McDonald's with his only friend, a fat, bald line cook

23  2017-12-13 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

What a monumental collapse. Sirius reaches millions of people while Opie Pop Ups reach a few dozen, almost all of whom are hate-watching. Congratulations, Tits.


I agree with your sentiment. Have an upvote, sir. Perhaps you might like Moore votes ;)


I have this sinking feeling Opie actually has some decent people handling his money, whereas Ant realized he was kinda fucked when he got fired from Sirius. Him talking about that bitcoin miner seemed like a big nothing to see here folks, all is well

Opie knew he had no talent and got lucky and saved his money. A Sicilian monkey will always blow cash on stupid shit

Opie does have a family living in Manhattan. That has to drain the bank account

Let the records show that the fat unfunny line cook would not be Opies "friend" if he didn't think he was going to be paid by him again in the future.

He only did the pop up at mcdonalds because yesterday I made a fake vic Henley twitter and posted a bomb of a post here with a tweet that I @ mentioned opie, Carl and Chris D about them doing a pop today at Jiffy lube. Opie tweeted back at me saying that they aren't doing it at Jiffy Lube but in fact at mcdonalds. I replied back saying something about carl must be franchising it waiting for him to make a decision and he deleted his tweet at me after carl liked my reply. Did anyone watch it?

I love posts that are just pure fact... proactive google up in dis muug.

Haven't you seen his Chaturbate channel? It is doing some NUMBAHS.


And Sam has a prime time mornibg spot all to himself right now. Who wouldve thunk it.