What's the high tranny suicide rate about?

4  2017-12-13 by NinetyFaaahve

i always see that quoted here as if it's fact. I'm guessing it's cos they stop being useful as sex fetishes beyond 30, which is the entire purpose of their existence afterall, but I'd just like some confirmation. Thanks guys.



They're mentally ill and people are mean to them

Same could be said of most the people on this sub, what is our suicide rate?

By mass? Like 50%

Wait, do O&A producers count?

What is the average wait of a toddler?

I'm sure you could google that answer, I won't because I don't want it in my search history.

Their mental illness is very visible also that doesn't help

A lot of reasons. Society is pretty hostile towards trans people. Lots of trans people get cut off from their family/friends. If they're young they might get thrown out of the house or abused. End up on the streets. A large portion of the community is impoverished and unemployed. Or work as prostitutes to makes end meet. Substance abuse is very common.


But there's hope. If you're struggling, don't be afraid, find help

Praise his name.

Or work as prostitutes to make ends meet

Docking. They literally make ends meet, to make ends meet.

I don't know why it happens but I'm grateful for it.

Because they're autistic depressed homosexual men who have become obsessed that the solution to alleviating their suicidal tendencies is a gender change and society (matriarchy) coddles them. Then when that doesn't work they're all out of answers so they kill themselves, and the matriarchy blames their suicide on men, being too mean to them. I assume it's a form of autism, which is why it affects men at a higher rate.

I know a tranny with aspergers. She's a mess

Tss, why doesn't she have asshotdogs or sumthin.

The notion that trans women are gay men is big misconception.

i still dont know if "trans woman" means a man turned girl or vice versa, and frankly i dont give a care about finding out

A trans woman is somebody who is biological male but identifies as a woman.

quit pulling my leg

Chris Chan?

You answered your question yourself. Once they get old and start to sag and creak they're worthless old weirdos, as their "sex appeal" and appearance is their entire identity.

They all think they're going to be fabulous and successful like RuPaul, but end up more like a Divine that lives in a crack house by the age of 30

Same could be said of most the people on this sub, what is our suicide rate?

What is the average wait of a toddler?

Their mental illness is very visible also that doesn't help