Jesus Christ, Dice.

29  2017-12-13 by RBuddCumia


He still has it.

And by "it" you mean a blocked artery.

Clogged up Artery Lange or somethin- now you do one


Mary Magdalene? Yeah I fucked her.

-Jesus Christ Dice

Little Altar Boy Blue.

Cause he needed the money?

Little Miss Mary, sittin' like a fairy, Eating her latkes and brisket, Along came God, Who stuck his rod in Mary's ASSHOLE AGHOOSH!

Big Richard without the roids.


That is one ridiculous Jew.


dice is an exception

Is that Elliot Offen?


getting in shape, gotta wait for Jay Mohr outside of the Cellar.

Jay Mohrs*

This is a 60 year old kike

Don't tell him. He thinks he's Italian

I appreciate dice staying in character. A lot of guys would drop it after the heart attack and post inspirational quotes and talk about how precious life is, but dice is still talking about getting pussy

Or pretend that your cat can talk...cookie...kiss

Did you like that episode of ron and fez? Some people said it was genius but 40 minutes in I just thought they were trying to pull a andy kaufman bit and it was lazy radio

I did enjoy it and it is one of my favorites for two reasons. Just listening to Ron's annoyance and giving Fez out after out that he refused to take and kept digging in deeper. The other reason is I was driving from NJ to the Florida keys and that shit came on right as I was hitting Jacksonville and took me most of the way down. I was laughing like a retard flying down 95 so it holds a special place in my heart. Same with the Sprint Airline show. Different ride up from the Keys, but it started right as I crossed from Delaware to Jersey and probably was one of the hardest laughs I have ever had. Xoxo

You're right. I don't even care that the bit sucks. It's better than talking about damn politics

I'm bummed that Dice has aids. Poor fella

It's gotta be fucking exhausting for himself and everyone around him to keep up that character for decades.
"Alright, Mr. Clay, we're going to out you under anesthesia now..."
"Be brave, Dad, I love you..."

Jesus Christ, Dice

"F'give her Lord, for she knows not how to suck my cock. OHHHHHHHHHH!"

Dice looks like the singer in Rammstein

Barely. Till Lindeman is a jacked motherfucker.

He looks like John Stewart's gay dad

Man Jews are ugly

Jay Mohrs*

Barely. Till Lindeman is a jacked motherfucker.