Great stocking stuffer! But seriously gang, that George Wendt interview is still one of the worst things I've ever heard

2  2017-12-12 by thelittlewizardboy


It's rough. That one and the Dustin Diamond appearance.

It was all Norton'so fault. Treating the interview like an intervention and killing any momentum it could've had.

The stuff that happened after the interview was much better.. I think that that was the day that there was a huge fight on the staff.. I think it was between Kenny and Sal with Erock... It was the great fight about how to order breakfast and how Kenny got ratted out to management (incompetent Gary) by Travis but thought Erock did it... Sam did a fine job stirring the pot..

Norm was a fun TV character but there are few things sadder than an old washed-up actor still trying to live off his or her old TV persona. Like how Frank Vincent used to pretend he really was Phil Leotardo.