Jim Norton arriving in Dublin last night

121  2017-12-12 by RuffianMcDonald-SS


fake news, the guy in the picture has a chin.

Porky pig Norton might be a hit

Th-thh-tha-th-that’s AIDS folks

Ah-tha-tha-thee-a-tha-tha- That's a Tough One

what is he a vulcan or something? vulcan ears... I'm very observant and funny

I sentence you to the wearing of the green shoes...

He's in London December 14th. 17 tickets left. Maybe I will go and yell out some lines from the Chipper.

Yep. Not wearing pants and instantly kneeling to peckah level.

Jim has been eating batter. Baby batter.

Just to be clear, I'm talking about cum.

Bald, end-stage-AIDS pallor - checks out.

I love poor queer Jim and I love this sub

Jas been goon to tha jam. Goon to tha jam, n eatin batter

Hope Jimmy survives. Nothing to do in Dublin but drink.