Duncan Trussell, that goofy hippy and his LA friends run SM alts tormenting people. They it started as art, man and then to harass the man, man.

0  2017-12-12 by DeepStateAgent

Redban has been girlish about Rogan sometime now, dummy did a lot of grunt work for me involving OnA. He's not very smart, Redban I mean. Redbar, your thinking Redbar.



Are you drunk, or off your meds?

Mixed them again.

Reminds me of the time gary busey and buddy holly went for a ride on a motercycle and things got light and were floating and float stands for feeling light on air today and i was in the center of my spine with other balls of light and then i took my big fawkin pecka out and started fucking scarlett johanasburg and she was like yeah chippa fuck me harder with that juicy pecka.


"SM alts"

If that's not a direct quote from that douche, you should kill yourself.

Wanna take another swing, champ?

This is getting old.

A lot of nutjobs in this sub