Jimmy is/was Funny, NEVER Interesting

11  2017-12-12 by Single_Action_Army

Other than embracing this SJW horseshit and closeted man love, here's why Jimmy has stunk to listen to post-O&A.
Jimmy used to be the guy who shot out lines while the staff gave bits and Ant and guests gave personal anecdotes. If Jimmy ever had a personal story, it was-

A) From his fucked-up childhood
B) An experience of him humiliating himself I.E. a joke where he was the butt.
C) About another comic
D) About something that ENRAAAAGED him. These stories of apnea masks and dumb airlines were never interesting in and of themselves, but they gave way to some funny angry rants.

Left to lead the show with no Ant to fall back on, Jim talks about himself or what he likes.

He likes the dumbest shit and consequently lives the most boring life and never has exstensive knowledge on anything. The closest thing to a personality he had was the "prostitute guy," and that gave some fun stories. Other than that, try to name a SPECIFIC Jim story about his life that isn't about someone else or before he quit drinking. Hence why the morning show is a roundabout of Uber complaints, feminine rants on health, or completely baseless and retarded pontification on technology and politics.

Jim is so boring. His comic friends are mostly legitimately damaged and consequently belong in the business or on a talking platform. A guy like Bob Kelly was beaten, raped, abandoned, imprisoned, and an addict. Jim used to be hilarious when he was analytical and rage-filled (he's unknowledgeable, but he is witty) but now he thinks HE is the man who got and deserved a radio career, not his "angry Jim" persona.

Couple this with Sam Roberts and you have two no-nothings that have no incentive to be funny and bring on guests solely to satisfily their fanboyisms, childishly spite their dissenters (with Mary Jean), or bring in a Feig/Appatow Hollywood cocksucker type to pat them on the head and tell them what good little liberals they're being.


I disagree

fucking autistic

Welcome to r/opieandanthony

it's a pretty cool place

Apparently you didn't hear about the shit loaf saga at Jims party.

I listened to some of yesterday's show and the biggest laugh I had was from Jim failing miserably to discuss technology. It really didn't seem like he was doing his future Jimmy schtick this time.

Here's the thing, okay? Howard Stern is one of the most boring people in the world in real life, he just wants to sit in his room all alone, and on the radio he was still interesting. You don't have to go skydiving and sightseeing to make a good radio host.

Jim's problem is he's boring, but he lets that bleed into all of his opinions and stances/reactions to everything else. Maybe it's out of a final desperate cry for another chance at being marketable for a big media career, but that ship sailed when he admitted he fucks trannies and sucked dick as a kid.

I love Jimmy and I know he can still be funny, but he needs someone with talent to bring that funny out of him. Sam himself can't even be funny, so how can he be expected to do so?

It's the blind and deaf, leading the blind.

Bob kelly was raped?