One of Patrice's best lines

55  2017-12-12 by aPersonStranded


Where can we see the full episode? I wanna hear that bitches response to that astute observation.

I miss when femminism's issues were can or can't you call women Ho's.

Simpler times.


This is one of his greatest lines. Before he says it they show a video of women protesting abortion.

The look on the woman’s face is pretty priceless

My favorite Patrice line is actually related to this. See how invested she is in him, just because he said that? "woooow"

When Patrice was trying to coach that intern into getting pussy, he told him to say something rude to her and then go from there. When the incompetent fruity intern couldn't think of anything, Ptrice just started shouting "NOW FLIP IT!!!!!!!!!!!" at him.

"You look like you don't have your pussy."

Shouldn't you be somewhere yelling at Latka?