‘Opestervations’ #3: Observations on Opie

55  2017-12-11 by quetzljitee

If you missed the last installment, as I posted it right when the Louis CK stuff came out, you can read it here:


I've made it through the summer of 2005. Here are some more Opestervations...

A new Opie quirk develops around this time where Opie begins to complain that he can't land a joke because Ant or Jim is talking over him or not listening. Opie's excuse is that 'comedy is timing' and the "timing" of his joke is off, so that's the reason it doesn't get laughs. (Not that the joke stinks.) In a particularly egregious example, Opie brings the entire conversation to a halt, angrily calling out Ant and Jim for stepping on his "perfect line", then proceeding to pout about it. When Ant and Jim ask him to tell this perfect joke, he refuses to tell them. This keeps up for several minutes as Ant and Jim try to coax Opie into saying the line. Eventually they give up and Opie moves on, still pouting and remaining pissy about it. This type of thing continues over the next several weeks of Opie complaining that his great lines don't work because Jim or Ant is ruining his "timing".

Patrice is in studio. Opie brings up a word star type video he saw that apparently no one else in studio has come across of a white guy beating the shit out of some black dude. Opie insists they all watch it all though he can't remember exactly where he saw it or what it was called. Eventually a producer finds it online and they watch it, only everyone in studio agrees that it's not a white guy at all but a light skinned black dude fighting another black dude. Opie vehemently disagrees with the consensus, repeatedly insisting it is a white guy in the video. Studio immediately goes to gregshells mode politely disagreeing saying that there is no question it’s not a white guy. Opie digs in even deeper, getting more and more offended they won't agree with him. Eventually the conversation moves on, but Opie, not able to let it go, blurts out that Steve C needs to put up a poll on the Foundry website with the video to see if the audience thinks the guy is white or black. Opie is confident he will be vindicated and everyone will agree it is a white guy. Even with the subject dropped, Opie continues to pout about it.

Another almost daily subject is Opie complaining they are not getting good quality guests on the show. After bitching that the booker and management don't think the show is one of their priorities and the lack of support from promotion, a caller suggests that maybe they have a hard time getting good guests because Opie hangs up on them in the middle of the conversation or asks terribly inappropriate questions. Opie, misunderstanding what the caller just said, goes into how the flow of the show sometimes dictates that they have to hang up on callers etc. Ant interrupts and clarifies that it's the hanging up on the guests and not the callers; this is what the caller was saying as to why they can't good guests (he refers to a Carlos Mencia phoner the week before where Opie kept hanging up on him.) Surprisingly, Ant chimes in that the caller might have a point. Then in a weird twist of logic, Opie says the guests should "get the bit" and that they "just don't understand the show". While the truth of the matter is the guests absolutely do get the show, that's why they don't come on. Who wants to do promotion on a show that treats guests like shit?

Lastly, in another bitchfest about Howard Stern, a caller says that he used to listen to Stern but switched to O&A because he could no longer relate to him since Stern became a big shot, multi-millionaire. Opie says that maybe listeners can't identify with a phony guy who gets hair weaves and botox injections. Ironic statement considering Opie's botox eye job years later.

I'll be back later with the 2005 end of the year wrap up soon.


I hope ‘Opestervations’ #4 is out by Christmas

I'm starting to not care for this Opie guy.


Thanks for letting us know.

No prob.

everyone in studio agrees that it's not a white guy at all but a light skinned black dude fighting another black dude. Opie vehemently disagrees with the consensus, repeatedly insisting it is a white guy in the video.

One line, it's worth the whole price

'84 they didn't even shave back then.

Can you provide clips? Hate-reading doesn't compare to hate-listening.

I have all the shows on my hard drive. Best I could do is give the date of the show.

What else is on your hard drive?

Pizza related pics maybe

He'll have to pick it up from his safety deposit box and check.

doesn't everybody here have access to spreadtheonavirus or no?

You wrote all that? What a loser

You know that typing on a keyboard is not all that hard, right?

just that you took the time is sad. you nerd

Your break down of the video was wrong

There was no black guy in the video. They were saying that the "black guy" getting beat up by a white guy was white, not that the guy beating the black guy was also black

How important is the skin pigment?

yo dude fuck my ass

These threads are seriously my favorite part of this place. Keep it up man, you're doing good work.

Surprisingly, Ant chimes in that the caller might have a point.

I love that at this point Ant is known as such a weak-kneed coward that just directly disagreeing with Opie is a notable act of bravery for him.

Ant was making the right move by not being confrontational and keeping the peace. The gig is too easy and too much money to fuck up with poor chemistry. Plus, it’s not like Ant and Jimmy could stage a coup and get rid of Opie. It’s opie’s show as much as it is Ants. If ant stepped on the wrong greggshell Greg could take his ball and go home.

Plus, it’s not like Ant and Jimmy could stage a coup and get rid of Opie.

Yeah, I doubt it would have worked then but if they had tried they may have gotten a 'based on a true story' movie out of it eventually. I'd definitely watch an O&A version of Valkyrie).

I love reading these. Thank you.