$60,000 fugitive still on the loose

49  2017-12-11 by joeroganpodcastfan


Ol' squinty eyes on the red carpet

If someone told me to look like a faggot for a picture, this is the face I would make

He's got a mini-vag on his nose... no wonder genitals are his comedy crutch!

He'll give it back if you can figure out his sexual identity

You dummies

I remember him talking about how he was 'working on scripts' for the Chip animated series. HAHAHAHA!!! You fucking faggot. Then he delivers that steaming pile of FUCK YOU FANS to people who actually paid. The balls on this tranny... I can't wait until his HIV goes full blown AIDS.

The scripted episodes got exactly this reaction but from more than one person. Why would you want him to go back to that? What he went with after that works. Over 90% of viewers enjoy the new stuff so it's the best one could hope for, especially with this audience. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrdCzMuAhPgRR94yvnFZjvQ/videos

You can live with HIV for a very, very long time(shy of 5 years from your max life) these days. Full blown AIDS won't show up if your T-cell(tranny cell) count is high.

A diet of Eggwhites and trannycum saved Jim's life.

He said he already wrote five more episodes so you haters shouldn’t call him a lying thief, that’s from two years ago tho

This fuckin shit again?

How long are we going to whine about this bullshit?

Never fund ANYTHING unless you're getting money back. Your Panera money is gone and it's never coming back. It's all used on prep and tranny-ass. Maybe you can ask Jim to cum into a cup and mail it to you. Then you'll get your money's worth.

Yeah let’s go back to talk about teff dawgs bark bark

What great success and awesome meme (っ˘ڡ˘ς)

He kind of looks like that guy with AIDS who fucks men. What's his name?

The dog....

At least it isn’t the Foochitive.. damn that Opie and his inability to pronounce that word...

With a face like that, it's always a good idea to shave your head and bring as much attention to it as possible, even though you're not balding.

Known aliases: Toast

The scripted episodes got exactly this reaction but from more than one person. Why would you want him to go back to that? What he went with after that works. Over 90% of viewers enjoy the new stuff so it's the best one could hope for, especially with this audience. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrdCzMuAhPgRR94yvnFZjvQ/videos

You can live with HIV for a very, very long time(shy of 5 years from your max life) these days. Full blown AIDS won't show up if your T-cell(tranny cell) count is high.

A diet of Eggwhites and trannycum saved Jim's life.

He said he already wrote five more episodes so you haters shouldn’t call him a lying thief, that’s from two years ago tho

I'm not upset at all, fag.